Two Dialogue meetings
near Washington, DC
October 4-7, 2002
Radisson Old Town Hotel
Alexandria, Virginia
901 N. Fairfax Street, Alexandria, VA 22314-1501
Telephone: (703) 683-6000 -- Fax: (703) 683-7597 -- Reservations:
(800) 333-3333 USA
Hotel Information and Reservations
First National Conference on Dialogue and Deliberaton (Friday-Sunday) 
Jewish-Palestinian Dialogue All-Day (Monday) 
First National Conference on Dialogue and Deliberaton
October 4-6, 2002 -- Friday-Sunday
Radisson Old Town Hotel -- Alexandria, Virginia
The first-of-its-kind conference will bring together dialogue leaders in a welcoming, respectful and informal atmosphere in order to work towards five goals: (1) defining and clarifying our work and our field, (2) knowledge-building and sharing information, (3) building skills, (4) meeting and getting to know our colleagues in the field, and (5) initiating collaborative projects.
Initiated and organized by The Coalition for a National Conference on Dialogue and Deliberation, and including:
The American Association for Higher Education, Citizens' Unity Commission, Congressional Exchange, Dayton Dialogue on Race Relations, Dialogue to Action Initiative, The Dialogue Project, EPPA Consulting, Fusion Partnerships, Inc., George Mason’s University Dispute Resolution Project, Hope in the Cities, Institute for Conflict Analysis and Resolution at George Mason University, The MultiCultural Resource Center of Portland, Oregon, NABRE (Network of Alliances Bridging Race & Ethnicity), National Conference for Community & Justice, New Jersey Office of Bias Crime and Community Relations, Norfolk United Facing Race, Oregon Uniting, The Public Conversations Project, Search for Common Ground and Search for Common Ground – USA, Study Circles Resource Center, The University of Michigan.
For more information and registration forms
Sandy Heierbacher
Director, National Conference on Dialogue & Deliberation
Jewish-Palestinian Dialogue All-Day
October 7, 2002 -- Monday -- 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.
Radisson Old Town Hotel -- Alexandria, Virginia
This will be a one-day opportunity for those who are deeply interested in Palestinian-Jewish Dialogue to finally meet face-to-face, review principles of Dialogue and outreach, consider shared challenges to sustained Dialogue, and think together about deepening and widening the Dialogue circle, here and overseas.
Beginning at 8 a.m., the day will have structure but will respond and flow with participants' needs. We will offer during this relationship-based gathering brief, substantive presentations, with graphics and printed materials on:
1. Story as Entry to Dialogue
"An enemy is someone whose story we have not heard." Dialogue begins with Story, and with compassionate listening. The prescription is to listen to everyone - even to the "enemy" - without "yes, but." And not just when it's easy, but when the wind is blowing 100 miles an hour. Like now.
2. The Process of Social Change Through Dialogue and Expanding Identification
Social change needs Time. It begins with individuals - Innovators and Early Adapters, in Dialogue with others, even "enemies." One Listens compassionately to learn from the "other," to discover together a new social intelligence. The "action" of Dialogue is relationship-building -- widening and deepening the ever-increasing circle. With Dialogue comes discovery of a stronger faith and sense of self, and Expanded Identification to include all of humankind and life.
3. Beginning, Maturing, and Growing A Dialogue
Want to begin a Dialogue Group where you live? This is a how-to! Finding Dialogue partners. Conducting first meetings. Establishing a dependable core group. What Dialogue is and is not. Dealing with dynamics. Deciding when and how to begin outreach and public offerings. Working with the media. Widening the circle. Finding balance of Dialogue and Advocacy.
A Call to Jewish-Palestinian Dialogue is on the Web
To attend, contact
Libby and Len Traubman
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