"The Failure of War" is featured in the extraordinary Winter 2002 issue of YES! Magazine.  Get it at http://www.yesmagazine.org
     The cover says, "We are the ones we've been waiting for."
     "Just Listen" is written by Leah Green of The Compassionate Listening Project, with magnificent photos.  She says, "People want to take risks for peace, and will take risks, if given an opportunity to really be heard."
     Poet David Whyte asks, "I want to know if you are willing to live, day by day, with the consequence of love."
     Jamal Rahman offers "Heart Of A Muslim" and says, "We owe it to brave, innocent people who have been sacrificed all over the world to find a better way."
     Since September 11, 2001, more people than ever in North America are reaching out to one another in unprecedented numbers to find a better way. 
     Here are five of many examples.  -- L&L

1.  San Diego, California

     Four separate Palestinian-Jewish dialogues continue.  Recently the important film, PROMISES, with shown at the San Diego Public Library and followed by audience dialogue. More about PROMISES is at htt://www.promisesproject.org.
     Tuesday, December 18, 2001, Temple Beth Sholom in Chula Vista will host a program on Jewish-Palestinian dialogue.  It will be a panel of two Arabs and two Jews, introduced by one of the group's facilitator-convenor couples.
     Contact Doris Bittar (DBittar@ucsd.edu) or Jim Rauch (Rauch@weber.ucsd.edu). 
2.  Toronto, Canada

     The beautiful 40-panel Middle East Peace Quilt of Elizabeth Shefrin (simaeliz@smartt.com) was brought to Toronto by the Wichevsky Centre.  The exhibition was co-sponsored by The Canadian Association of Jews & Muslims, and other Jewish, Arab, and Palestinians organizations.  See the Quilt at http://www.igc.org/traubman/quilt.htm
     Two new dialogues are succeeding there.  A Jewish-Arab dialogue also includes Muslims of other nations.  They begun with hearing one another's personal stories.  They'll then discusses issues, before considering community outreach, education, and media awareness.
     There is a second, Muslim-Jewish dialogue of religious and community leaders.  They intend to build more bridges of understanding by offering information about the two religions to dispell ignorace, stereotypes, fear, and prejudice.
     Contact Barbara Landau (coopsolns@aol.com) or Carl Miller (c.miller@sympatico.ca).

2.  Phoenix, Arizona

     "BRIDGE TO UNDERSTANDING: MUSLIMS AND JEWS FOSTER A GRASSROOTS COMMUNITY" was a 2-page Feature article in the Jewish News of Greater Phoenix 9 November 2001.  Read it at http://www.jewishaz.com/jewishnews/011109/bridge.shtml.
     Begun by an Arab physician and his Jewish patient, they have a deep understanding of how dialogue begins and continues.
     ABOUT BEGINNING:  "The group was in no hurry to inform others about its meetings. Rather than seek publicity, members focused their energies on acquiring knowledge and understanding."
     ABOUT FEAR:  "'I'm not an anxious person, but my anxiety level during that meeting was sky-high. I was waiting for something to happen,' says Herring. But by the end of the session, he recalls, none of his fears had materialized."
     "'I am always reluctant to join groups like this," she (Gada Jasser) remarks. The reason, she says, is that participants' political agendas - especially concerning Israel - often overwhelm the exchange of ideas.'"
     "Aiche Jasser, wife of Mohamed Jasser, says she was afraid to tell her friends about the group. As she slowly began to inform them, 'they believed what we are telling them" about the friendships they were building, "but they think maybe these are just the nice people.'"
     ABOUT DEDICATION:  "Group members also have agreed to participate for the long term."
     ABOUT OUTCOME AND COMMUNITY:  "I do not see 'Jewish' group, 'Muslim' group," said Weitzenkorn. "We may have started out thinking we were going to build a bridge to each other's communities. (Now) I think we have become a community.'"
     Conacts people are Aiche Jasser (AishaPharm@aol.com) and Bob Rosenberg (Bob@BobRosenberg.phoenix.az.us).

3.  Los Angeles, California (UCLA)

     On 03 December 2001, another article was DINNER HELD TO ENCOURAGE DIALOGUE: MUSLIM, JEWISH STUDENTS PARTICIPATE IN "IFTAR" SIGNIFYING END OF RAMADAN.  Read it at http://www.dailybruin.ucla.edu/db/articles.asp?ID=17653.
     Said Muslim student Fadi Amer, "I made a commitment to try to do something...You start at the micro-level with things you know you can affect."
     Hillel Rabbi Chaim Siedler-Feller said, "This taps into a student interest and student need to cross boundaries and reach toward each other."
     "'Members of the United Arab Society, Jewish Student Unon and Hillel who were active in the dialogues enrolled in a sociology class offered last winter, titled 'Perspectives on Confrontation and Reconciliation in the Arab-Israel Conflict,' said Amer." 
     "Students from the three organizations began (the) 'Coalition for Co-Existence in the Middle East' during the spring."  
     Contact Rabbi Chaim-Siedler Feller (Hillel@ucla.edu) or Fadi Amer (bleech@ucla.edu).

4.  San Mateo, California

     The Jewish-Palestinian Living Room Dialogue participants in California have been on radio and TV panels and call-in shows, helped develop stories for newspaper and online news services, and presented numerous educational panels for groups and classrooms -- "Palestinians and Jews in Dialogue."  On request, we have now mailed free dialogue background and guideline materials to 980 interested individuals representing 597 institutions, 402 cities, 38 states, and 32 nations.
     More is on the Web at http://www.igc.org/traubman/call.htm.
     This 2001 is the United Nations "Year of Dialogue Among Civilizations." 
     Let us bring to everyday life the book by 18 global citizen-leaders released November 7, 2001 at the U.N. -- CROSSING THE DIVIDE: DIALOGUE AMONG CIVILIZATIONS. 
     Change begins with us citizens.
     Contact Nahida and Adham Salem (TheSalems@aol.com) or Libby and Len Traubman (LTraubman@igc.org).

                               * * * "We are the ones we've been waiting for." * * *