Peggy Babcock ( wrote today.  She is Jewish and lives in Los Angeles. 
     She knows that every woman or man or youth -- Palestinian or Jew -- can make a big difference.  She ends each e-mail message with this:

"And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by

those who could not hear the music."

         ~Friedrich Nietzsche~

     Peggy wrote a poem. 
     She pleads to each of to keep our hearts open.  Learn from these times.  Do better. 
     Walk forward.  Include the other.  Remember our high destiny to love and reunite like the neighbors we are -- forever.
     Peggy concludes: "Help us all to make a fresh start."
A Plea In The Face Of Violence

Those closed-hearted spaces around us
tempt and invite us in.
I cannot go there with you;
I tell myself "never again".

I have spent time
in that frozen state,
my heart wrapped tight like a drum.
But the music my Soul insists on
welled up and made me walk on.

And now, though the tears could drown me,
I'm determined to find the song.
I will sing by myself if I have to,
though you're welcome to come along.

We were born to be here together,
with hearts that are open to Life.
We are meant to love, and so heal,
all the damage that comes in the strife.

So please do not ask me to go there -
to the places that pull us apart.
Come with me to find other spaces;
help us all to make a fresh start.

~ Peggy Babcock, 2002