This May, 2005, 10,000 KITES will say for Palestinians and Jews, the sky is the limit.
     We can choose to free ourselves, our imaginations.
     See the inspiring streaming video at .

     On Friday, May 20, 2005, tens of thousands of  colored kites will soar up into the Holy Land skies --  from north to south, from east to west.
     Holding the strings will be Jews, Muslims, Christians, and secular -- feet on the ground, eyes on the heavens.
     Around each kite will be even more women and men, boys and girls.
     Some anticipate that over 30,000 kites will fly.
     This massive demonstration will be dedicated to advancing the cultural and social dialogue.
     It is a symbol of bridging the gap and understanding "the other side."

     Middle East site -- in Arabic, Hebrew, and English:
     North American site:

     Photos and artists renditions:
     Learn to make your kite and fly it:
     PLANNED EVENTS (more coming):

        SUNDAY, MAY 15, 2005
        Toronto, Canada
        FRIDAY, MAY 20, 2005
        Univ. of California, Santa Cruz  --  Springfield, Missouri  --  Central Maine  --  Houston, Texas 
        Atlanta, Georgia  --  Edgewater Park, Cleveland, Ohio  --  Memorial Dog Park, San Anselmo, California
        Seattle, Washington (Contact Maha Gebara, Middle East Children's Peace Camp -

        SUNDAY, MAY 22, 2005
        Central Park, New York  --  Venice Beach, Los Angeles, California

        The Middle East artist and director is Adi Yekutieli ( or ).
        The North American coordinator is Yael Samuel ( -- 310-396-5029 ).

     Here are two exemplary newspaper stories about preceding kite-flyings

        Event blends cultures, faiths:  Kites, peace unite kids at religious youth summit
        Santa Cruz (Calif.) Sentinel -- May 1, 2005

        Elementary students fly kites at LMU in support of '10,000 kites' project with Israeli, Palestinian children
        The Argonaut  (Los Angeles, Calif.) -- May 5, 2005

     The idea for the project began with one small boy flying a kite at the Separation Wall.
     This innocent scene inspired two artists, Adi Yekutieli and George Nostas, to create an international project based on the innocent act of flying kites as an expression of principles, of hopes and of dreams.
     On the day of the happening -- or perhaps an approximate day, for others in the world --  organized groups and private individuals, a wide spectrum of groups, religious and secular, adults and children, Israelis and Palestinians, citizens of the wide world, will come together.
     Each person will hold aloft a kite which s/he has decorated, as a symbol of dialogue, brotherhood and understanding of "the other side."
     Each participant will be flying a kite with his/her thoughts, fears, dreams and hopes -- the values he/she believes in.
     10,000 KITES is the initiative of the artist Adi Yekutieli, the founder of the Association for Art in the Community and Cross-cultural Dialog, described at:
     Yekutieli, who sees art as an invaluable means of communication and dialogue, has been implementing his vision for many years in a wide variety of communities in Israel and in the Palestinian Authority.
     A large number of Jewish and Palestinian communities have joined and supported this project with the goal of turning meaningful rituals such as this one into a continuing tradition.
     In such a long-standing and profound dispute, in a reality so difficult and painful, parallel to the words and deeds of the politicians, can we not "learn" the other side, can we not hear and be heard in a common hope for a better future?

SYMBOLISM of kite flying -- helping people move above and beyond
     Symbols can have a power that helps people rise above old thinking and barriers, and beyond stereotypes, fear, and ignorance.
     "What do kites and flying them symbolize to you?" was the question posed last week to Palestinian and Jewish participants in sustained Living Room Dialogue on the San Francisco Peninsula.
     They responses were almost all about FREEDOM.
     Here is what they said about flying kites for the Middle East, expressed in two ways -- FREEDOM from, FREEDOM for.









misuse of power

violence of all kinds

poverty of imagination

prisons of body and spirit


ascending to a better life together

viewing life from above, as one

building an independent state

inventing a vibrant economy

overcoming our hang-ups

becoming loving humans

seeing the sky is the limit

reaching toward heaven

helping others feel safe

listening well to others

overcoming distances

respecting each other

universal fun and play

creating relationships

flying above politics

being above it all

rising to our best

soaring together

building bridges

thinking freely

being present

being equal



     Thanks to 10,000 KITES and increasing  citizen creativity and courage, we're beginning to find ourselves and the "other."
     Together, we are becoming always better, always more human in changing times.