This is about imagination in Israel and Palestine.

     Our daughter, Eleanor, recently told us about Barbara Winter, a Minnesota teacher -- .
     Winter helps people plan an inspired life and future. 
     She published "Winning Ways" and "Dreambuilders."
     We are moving from an information to an imagination society, where creativity rules.

     Rolf Jensen says we are in "The Age of the Storyteller."
     In Denmark he is CIO (Chief Imagination Officer) of Dream Company, founded in 2001 --
     Jensen says that the marketplace and world "will be won by the one who is able to tell the best story."
     Successful individuals and societies will adopt "a better balance between rational and emotional aspects" of life. 
     Jensen wrote "The Dream Society: How the Coming Shift from Information to Imagination Will Transform Your Business."
     Then he published its sequel, "Heartstorm," about the ancient power and activity of story.
     Storytelling is now resurfacing after centuries.
     It is a force to touch hearts, open minds and activate imaginations -- to create a culture that works for all.

     "Where there is no vision, the people perish," ancient wisdom reminds us well.
     "We have to create a picture of the future," we heard from Admiral Ami Ayalon, former Shin Bet director in Israel.

     Here are two new DVDs for the Middle East -- not just information, but about people sorting out their histories, lives and plans for tomorrow.
     These are two stunning, new Holy Land stories for The Age of the Storyteller.
     Being conceived is new Middle East community, where the best stories for a new future win. . .for everyone.
                -- L&L

====  1  ====

The Arc:
RAND studies make recommendations
for a successful Palestinian state

     The RAND Corporation in Santa Monica, Calif. USA has issued the most comprehensive recommendations ever made for the success of an independent Palestinian state.
     The proposals - including a landmark rail, highway and infrastructure link between the West Bank and Gaza that would open the door to dramatic new development in Palestine - would give Palestinians new access to jobs, food, water, education, health care, housing and public services.
     Many of the actions proposed by RAND can get underway now to begin improving the lives of Palestinians and begin laying the groundwork to sustain long-term development in a future state.
     The cost of this project is estimated to be less than $9 billion.
     A summary of the study is described at .
     This Palestine Project is described, with graphics, at .
     It is further illustrated on the site of its principal designer --
     The imaginative, inspiring results of the study are publish in The Arc: A Formal Structure for a Palestinian State.
     The DVD that accompanies the 106 page book is a must for any individual, group or class
     The Arc is a leap forward to the imagination socieiy-- transcending more limited thinking up to this time.
     Order the book and DVD at .

====  2  ====

The Shape of the Future

     The Shape of the Future -- -- is a four part documentary series on DVD or VHS.
     It portrays what an eventual Palestinian-Israeli peace settlement would look like.
     Produced by Common Ground Productions (Washington, DC), the emphasis is prospective which makes this a unique documentary effort.

"This documentary series examines the fears and aspirations of Israelis and Palestinians in an even- handed way. It shows how a negotiated agreement could address those fears and aspirations and do so without threatening the national existence of either side. Israel and Egypt were able to accomplish this task at Camp David more than 25 years ago and this series supports the belief that Israelis and Palestinians can do the same."  

                - President Jimmy Carter

     See Arab, Israeli, U.S. and other press descriptions:

     For classrooms, families and individuals, download the Viewer's Guide:

     Order the very affordable DVD, VHS and Viewer's Guide: