ALL FOR PEACE radio airs

bereaved families, former combatants who reject violence


     ENCOUNTER POINT -- -- was "Best Feature Documentary" at the May 2006 San Francisco International Film Festival.
     You must see this epoch film about a new breed of peacemaker -- sanea al-salam, oseh shalom.
     You will meet modern-day heroes -- victims of violence who reject revenge and turn enemies into partners.

     You will see Michael Brand of the leading-edge 107.2 FM and Internet radio All for Peace -- .
     Every Thursday and Sunday from the Holy Land, listen to Michael's RAINBOW English language interviews of Jewish and Palestinian citizens whose stories paint a collage of women, men and youth who choose to engage, change and cooperate.

     This week, hear:

1.  Elik El Hanan -- Combatants For Peace --

The COMBATANTS FOR PEACE movement was started jointly by Palestinians and Israelis who have taken an active part in the cycle of violence -- Israelis as soldiers in the Israeli army (IDF), and Palestinians as part of the violent struggle for Palestinian freedom. After brandishing weapons for so many years, and having seen one another only through weapon sights, they have decided to put down their guns and to fight for peace.

2.  Chaled Abu Awad -- Parents Circle Families Forum --

THE FAMILIES FORUM is the operational apparatus of the Parents' Circle organization. Members of the Forum include hundreds of Israeli and Palestinian bereaved families who have lost, as a result of the Israeli-Arab conflict, a first degree family member and accepted the principles and objectives of the Forum. The Families Forum acts to prevent further bereavement which is threatening the Israeli society and the peoples in the region as a result of the absence of peace.

     Every week -- Thursday and Saturday -- mark your calendars to hear RAINBOW on
        107.2 FM  -- -- on the air all day, every day

16.00   --  4 pm    Israel / P.A
15.00   --  3 pm    Europe
14.00   --  2 pm    UK
09.00   --  9 am    USA East
08:00   --  8 am    USA Central
07.00   --  7 am    USA Mountain
06.00   --  6 am    USA Pacific

19.00   --  7 pm    Israel/P.A
18.00   --  6 pm    Europe
17.00   --  5 pm    UK
12.00   --  Noon    USA East
11:00   --  11 am  USA Central
10.00   --  10 am  USA Mountain
09.00   --  9 am    USA Pacific

 ALL FOR PEACE radio in Israel and the Palestinian Authority on 107.2 FM
and broadcast throughout the world -- all day, every day --  at: