Palestinians, Jews find peace

behind their masks, through computers, marching together

Monday, 13 April, 2009


       Governments alone -- no longer news -- continue to falter in wisdom and imagination.
       They will continue that way, until they are matched by a vastly expanded public peace process of citizens perpetually engaged face to face.
       Today, people are the news.


"Don't ask what the world needs.

Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it.

Because what the world needs is people who have come alive."

                 Howard Thurman

"If I create from the heart, nearly everything works;

 if from  the head, almost nothing." 

                - Marc Chagall


    Here are three examples of "enemies" engaging in creative, new ways -- doing what makes them come alive.
    Being the news.


= =  1  = =
Arabs & Jews Discover
Peace Behind Their Masks
     Creativity of The Arcobaleno-Rainbow Theatre Group - - uses the universal language of music and dance to model their call for authentic face-to-face engagement and cooperation in their play, "Beresheet."
     The mask is the central theme of the performance, in this call for peace.
     "If you know take off your mask, you can be together," says Edna Angelica Calo Livne, the group's inspirational founder and artistic director.
     Sharing this vision of one-ness, the actors are teen Arabs, Jews, Druze and Circassians - religious and secularal - from towns and villages in northern Israel.
     "The most important message that we can give now to all the humanity is that difference is the richness, that dialogue is so important now for everybody, not only for us in Israel.
     "This is now the imperative
I think," adds Calo Livne.

     VIEW video:
     VIEW a much longer video, in Italian language:

     "We want that people will start to understand the responsibility we have as human beings, especially in Israel, the Holy Land.
     If here everybody can live together, so why not in other places," says a young actor.
     The performance takes place at the Arab-Hebrew Theatre of Jaffa, a city shared by Jews and Arabs.
     The actors hope to touch more peoples hearts and contribute to a better future.

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Peace Procession of
Jews and Arabs in Um al-Fahm

     Sunday April 5th 2009, Jewish and Palestinian Israelis - secular and religious - proceeded  hand in hand in solidarity with residents of the Arab town, Um al-Fahm, in response to intimidation in the city by Jewish Israeli citizens there several weeks earlier.
     The Peace March was initiated by the Orthodox organization, 12th of Heshvan, in cooperation with the New Israel Fund.
     The women, men, and youth called for mutual respect and co-existence of Jews and Arabs.
     The walk started at the entrance to Um al-Fahm and continued to the city's center.
     Arab and Jewish participants carried beautiful flower bouquets and signs in Hebrew and in Arabic based on the blessing said during a traditional wedding   "Love and Brotherhoood, Peace and Affection."
     One visitor was touched most by all "Welcome!" and "Thank you!" expressions shouted from cars that stopped them along the way.
     A ceremony included words of mutual support and a shared future by the mayor of Um al-Fahm and representatives of participating groups. 
     SEE PHOTOS in Al Arab newspaper:

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Peres Center for Peace
Keeps Helping Thousands to Connect

     In the past few years, over 50,000 Israeli and Palestinian youth have participated in relationship-building and educational programs of the Peres Center for Peace.
     VIEW the instructional, inspiring 13-minute video:

    Information Technology (IT) workshops are one arena of activity.
     For more than a year and half, educational workshops in both Israeli and Palestinian high schools have been based on the PeaceMaker computer game.
     Dozens of workshops have been facilitated by youth leaders with first and second degrees in Middle East History and Conflict Resolution, for thousands of youth participants from communities including the West Bank and Israeli communities surrounding the Gaza Strip.
     Other diverse IT programs include:

     A. "Peace Computers Centers" establish computer classrooms in disadvantaged Palestinian and Israeli communities. 
     They provide the members of those communities, in particular the youth, with invaluable computer and IT skills, thereby enhancing their future educational and professional opportunities.
     Importantly, they personally connect Palestinian and Israeli youth through innovative computer programs launched from these newly established computer classrooms.
     READ more and SEE PHOTOS:
    B. Middle East Virtual Campus utilizes technology as a tool to engage Palestinian and Israeli pupils in exciting and challenging educational activities.
     It stimulates their interest in academic study, via virtual discussions, dialogue, and lecture chats that encourage interaction between the Palestinian and Israeli youth.

     C.  "Peace Net Ambassadors" Program offers a solution to the lack of face-to-face interaction by linking Israeli youth with Arab youth from across the Middle East via the medium of "Skype" software, so that they may become acquainted with one another, converse openly, and discover common interests. 

"Don't ask what the world needs.

Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it.

Because what the world needs is people who have come alive."

                 Howard Thurman

"If I create from the heart, nearly everything works; if from  the head, almost nothing." 

                - Marc Chagall