How do we end war? 

 (Answer is within)

10 July 2010


The end of war

     War is obsolete.
     We can use it, but there are better ways.
    We end war -- at home, on campuses, between nations -- when we stop talking about one other, and we start listening to each other.
     When we start taking down walls that separate us.


An enemy is one whose story we have not heard.

-- Ms. Gene Knudsen-Hoffman

     Face-to-face listening-to-learn is Step One.
     Courageous high school youth show us how.
     Reserve your Tuesday nights for the not-to-be missed, how-to television series.



MTV's new series

Every Tuesday -- 11:00 pm

Beginning July 20, 2010


     VIEW both sneak preview videos:



Two sneak preview videos

 One student
takes down walls

      In his early 20s, Israeli-born Amit Deutsch ( ) saw himself and his Jewish people as the "ultimate victim."
     Then he traveled in Bosnia and Kosovo with peers -- other Jews, and Palestinians -- as part of Abraham's Vision -
     He met diverse adversaries and heard stories of many "ultimate victims" -- "others" who never engaged, listened, or heard one another's narratives.
     Amit continued to meet others, listen, learn, and discover our common humanity and shared future.
     And personal responsibility.


The roles of personal narratives in

healing group and interpersonal conflicts

Amit Deutsch

TEDxBerkeley -- 03 April 2010   (18 min video)

Youth in Jerusalem
listen, lower barriers
     In Jerusalem, Muslim Salah Alladin, a native of Nazereth, organizes monthly encounters for the city's diverse youth and serves as assistant director of the Interfaith Encounter Association --
     The face-to-face meetings take place at the Educational Bookshop, a cafe and store on Saladin Street in East Jerusalem.

     The IEA facilitates a variety of sustained relationship-building gatherings for Muslims, Jews, Christians and others.
     Their ongoing encounters successfully create mutual respect and friendship between the tribes and clans into which far too many citizens still retreat.
     Those who chose to engage with IEA's help are also strengthened in their own unique identities, as they listen, speak, learn, and socialize increasingly easily.
     The perpetual meetings are key to bringing persons of different faiths and backgrounds together with success.
     "There are not so many other initiatives or cultural events in Jerusalem which are able to bring together Jews, Christians and Muslims," says Alladin.
     "Not every Israeli is comfortable going to east Jerusalem.
     "And many of the cultural events held in west Jerusalem are not so appropriate for a Muslim family."
     SEE MORE at:


People of many faiths coming together in Jerusalem -- July 2010


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