Nigerian clarifies imperative of relationships

for Africa, Middle East, everywhere

25 December 2010


We know that in all Creation

Only the human family

Has Strayed from the Sacred Way.


We know that we are the ones who are divided

And we are the ones who must come back together

To Walk in the Sacred Way.


Sacred One,

Teach us love, compassion, and honor

That we may heal the earth

And heal each other.

            -- A prayer of the Ojibway Nation


     To remain apart is to die.
     For human survival, the imperative is to take down psychological and physical walls that separate.
     Successful human engagement and communication is the only means to discover the required collective intelligence and creativity to solve all our interrelated global dilemmas.

     Nigerian Emmanuel Ande Ivorgba ( ) has newly defined the danger and the hope.
     More deadly than HIV is HRV -- Human Relationship-Deficiency Virus, he clarifies.
     Today's poverty of relationships leads to the new, deadlier AIDS -- Acute Intentional Destruction of Society.
     The cure begins with successful communication  -- Sustained Dialogue (SD) -- the first step on the path toward ending wars and curing medical, economic, social, and environmental disasters.
     SEE MORE at

     In this 2010 year-end Season of Light, there is already an abundance of courageous relationship builders.
     Many youth and young adults are showing the way, inventing the future --  living the life of engagement.
     Appreciate four authentic examples, in music and words.


The Imperative:
Friends Forever
-- brings together teens from around the world to replace fear and suspicion with laughter and trust.
     Since 1986 they have graduated over 1,000 teens from the Middle East and Ireland.
     They affirm and proclaim the deepest reality:  We are one -- neighbors forever.
     SEE and HEAR their call to relationship!!


Did You Know?

Palestinian and Israeli youth

Friends Forever -- October 2010

2-min video

Music Humanizes &
Helps Us Create
     UKULELES FOR PEACE in the Holy Land assures Jewish and Palestinian children learn music while becoming closer.
     Their mothers meet monthly in Arab and Jewish homes, and families share picnics, green events like beach cleanups, and operas.
     SEE and HEAR these youthful exemplars:


Love is Wonderful

Palestinian and Jewish youth

Ukuleles for Peace -- 19 December  2010

2-1/2 min video


     SEE MORE:


Ukuleles for Peace

From Conflict to Coexistence:

Jewish and Arab children meeting and

becoming involved with one another in their daily lives.

     WAGIN' PEACE was written and produced by young leaders from the Middle East, South Asia, and the United States.
     The music video is the collaborative effort of Palestinian, Israeli, Jordanian, Egyptian, Indian, Pakistani, Afghan, and American young leaders who attended the Seeds of Peace International Camp in Maine --
     They're song is a new re-mix of Wavin' Flag, by K'naan.


Wagin' Peace

Seeds of Peace -- 15 November 2010

5-min video

Visionary Middle Eastern
Palestinian & Jewish
Voices of
         WATCH and LISTEN:


Middle East Peace start with each of us -- 14 December 2010

12-min video

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