Middle East Tours

to experience
multiple narratives
diverse people, places, and faiths

Modern Holy Land tour guides
are becoming messengers of We Are One.

Travelers hearing various - sometimes conflicting - life stories
from widely diverse people and neighborhoods are
challenged to expand, to hear all the equally human voices as one, and
experience with empathy the larger story, Our Story.

With thousands of daily tourists
arises hope for awakened understanding, heart connections, and compassion to
dignify everyone and create community.

Read about
Tour Guides as a Bridge Between Humans
A historic meeting of 40 Palestinians and Israelis
in December 2015 near the Dead Sea

Tour for Change

Tour for Change -- http://www.tour4change.com -- is a rising star of face-to-face education, leadership training, and relationship-building in Israel and Palestine.

Tour guide Elad Vazana -- EladVazana@gmail.com -- is a former IDF combat tank commander, high tech entrepreneur, and global traveler. A husband and father, Vazana now devotes his life to connecting people from diverse backgrounds and cultures to experience that the "other" is a human being whose story is rich and complex, like "ours."

Elad masterfully leads travelers to the people and places of conflicted relationships. Participants become a part of change through telling and hearing personal life stories anew in ways that dignify both speaker and listener, giving birth to a new reality of trust and coexistence.

Mejdi Tours

Mejdi Tours -- http://www.mejditours.com -- is another excellent, dependable provider of custom tours and authentic experiences of diverse people and places.

Scott Cooper -- Scott@mejditours.com -- is co-owner with vast experience planning and guiding overseas tours. He can be reached at 1-571-236-0380

Aziz Abu Sarah -- AzizAbuSarah@gmail.com -- is co-founder and a champion of seeking and respecting multiple narratives. VIEW his TedTalk:

      For more tolerance, we need more...tourism?
      Ted2014 -- March 2014 -- Aziz Abu Sarah
      4-1/2 min video -- Subtitles available in 10 languages


Tiyul-Rihla-Trip -- http://www.tiyul-rihla.org and https://www.facebook.com/Tiyul.Rihla -- is a bi-national dialogue and learning program bringing mixed groups of Palestinians and Israelis on 2-3 day educational tours to expose one another to the historical narrative and cultural identity of the other.

The program provides a unique opportunity for Israelis and Palestinians, and international travelers -- to learn about each other from each other as well as to explore the land and the history they share. They believe that learning the past is necessary for understanding the present and changing the future.

Ahmed M.A. Helou, Palestinian Director, studied at the Al-Quds University, is a parliamentary assistant at the legislative council, and has co-founded various bi-national groups and initiatives. He lives with his wife and family in Jericho.

Yovav Kalifon, Israeli Director and Co-Founder, lives in Jerusalem as an unaffiliated activist while working on a PhD in atmospheric dynamics and as a part-time science tutor.

Aaron Press Taylor, Program Coordinator, receives e-mail at APressTaylor@gmail.com


Masa-Massar-Journey -- http://wasns.org/massa-masar-journey-2015 -- is an initiative of the Pluralistic Spiritual Community Centre (PSCC) at Wahat al-Salam ~ Neve Shalom (Oasis of Peace) near Jerusalem, and of Open House in Ramle -- http://www.friendsofopenhouse.co.il

This experiential journey of self-discovery for Israeli Arab (Palestinian) and Jewish youth explores communities, people, sites, and personal stories during exciting, deep 4-day travels with open dialogue, leadership training skills. The Muslim, Christian, and Jewish youth citizens together develop genuine, strong, heartfelt connections. SEE their video:

      Masa-Massar May 2015 Tour Report
      Photos and stories

      Masa-Massar Youth Participant Interviews
      October 2015 - 5 minute video - Arabic & Hebrew, with English subtitles

I.L.L.I. Initiatives

I.L.L.I Initiatives -- http://www.illiinitiatives.com -- offers (1) Immersion Travel, (2)Leadership Development, (3) Language Study, and (4) Internship Experience.

Their Sights & Insights: Encounters at Eye Level includes a variety of immersion travel opportunities to the Middle East and North Africa, with a special focus on Morocco, Israel, Palestine (mostly West Bank), and Jordan. Custom designed trips range in content and in length throughout the year. Professional guides and facilitators work closely with local partners “on the ground” to encounter people from all walks of life with multiple narratives of diverse life experiences.

Founding Director Adina Friedman has over 30 years of experience in conflict resolution and dialogue communication, first as a participant in early Arab-Jewish/Israeli peacebuilding programs in the region, and later as the initiator and implementer of many pioneering projects. Contact Adina at illiinitiatives@gmail.com or +1-703-725-2926.

Presented online by the Jewish-Palestinian Living Room Dialogue Group of San Mateo
celebrating 23 years of talking, listening, and cooperating.