The Armenia-Azerbaijan Initiative > The Stanford Center on Conflict and Negotiation

The Stanford Center on Conflict and Negotiation - Stanford University

Conflict exists throughout our society and among nations, and its mismanagement frequently has serious consequences. There are often potential "gains from trade" that are not reaped or even recognized by the disputants. Even when recognized, such gains may be reduced and delayed by costly and inefficient negotiations.

The Stanford Center on Conflict and Negotiation was established to investigate the barriers to the negotiated resolution of conflict and, where possible, to design innovative means of overcoming them.

SCCN research is concerned with conflict between individuals, interest groups, corporations, and nations, as well as intrapersonal, or cognitive conflict. Interdisciplinary in its structure and goals, SCCN was founded upon the collaboration of five Principal Investigators from the fields of law, economics, business management, and cognitive and social psychology.

Students and faculty from these and other disciplines, as well as distinguished practitioners in conflict resolution, join at the SCCN in an effort to illuminate the full range of cognitive, cultural, economic, institutional, legal, social and strategic barriers which impede or prevent a negotiated resolution of conflict.

Principal investigators are Kenneth Arrow, Director, Nobel Laureate and Professor of Economics; Janet Alexander, Professor of Law; Lee Ross, Professor of Social Psychology; Amos Tversky, Professor of Cognitive Psychology; and Robert Wilson, Professor of Business. The Associate Director of the Center is Andrew Ward, and Lorelei Kelly is a Research Fellow.

Professor Lee Ross, Principal Investigator
Stanford Center on Conflict and Negotiation
Crown Quadrangle
Stanford, CA 94305
Voice: 415-725-2447 Fax: 415-725-5699
E-mail: OR

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