First, what
I recommend to you is this: be idealistic.
To the end of your life, do not lose your idealism.
In dentistry, always hold to the highest standards of technical excellence and compassion that is your
legacy from the University of California.
And beyond dentistry,
never, ever let anyone talk you out of acting on your most
beautiful dreams of what life can be like in your home, in your
office and university, in your nation, on your Earth. People
will tell you your dreams are impossible, impractical, too
idealistic. Don't fall for that. Because, in my experience,
what is idealistic is what really works in everyday life, especially in human relationships.
What path in life do I recommend you take? It is The Heroic
Journey -- a life that includes dentistry but moves beyond
dentistry. In the mythology of all cultures worldwide, the
mythological hero is born and learns life skills from parents, teachers and
helpers, as you have. He or she eventually leaves home, as you have.
These women and men go through ordeals and trials.
In Native American mythology, it's the Kiva of the
Snakes, the Kiva of the Bees, and of the Bears and Fire. You've
been through the fire; you've been through dental school and
have emerged a wiser, stronger human being, prepared for your
chosen profession.
The hero then gets the prize, the boon. In a few minutes, you
will be awarded your degrees. You will go into the world and
will heal thousands of people. More rewards will come to you: a
place to practice or teach, a home, perhaps a family. You will
have privilege: time, money, intelligence, creativity,
You have two choices. You can keep your gains for yourself. If
that's not satisfying and you want "more," you can recycle:
another car, another trip, a second degree, office, or house.
In world mythology, this does not lead to fulfillment.
In the world's stories, the hero always makes the
"heroic choice" to return home and give the boon, the prize,
back to the people.
I hope you cross that threshold. Give back to life your
skills, your gifts, your time, your resources and creativity.
And go outside of your own home and office to be a champion of
our shared future.
In the epoch 1980 film series, Cosmos, Carl Sagan has spent 12
hours describing the miracle of how our fabulous global living
system came to us. He then concludes: "We know who speaks for
the institutions and the nations. But who speaks for Earth?" I
hope you will speak for Earth, for the bigger picture, for a
culture of meaning that benefits and respects all -- all the
races, nations, religions. And the irreplaceable species, air,
water, soil, and energy resources on which posterity depends.
Now I, my wife, Libby, and our children, Eleanor, Adam, and
Raychel bless you.
Go, Cal Bears. And when you go out of this place, do choose the
Hero's Journey for your life. Make heroic choices. Be
idealistic, give yourself to something big, and remember that you
can make a great difference. And, working together, we can and we
will build the world of our dreams and a culture of meaning.