Pieces for Peace Mosaic:

Israeli-Palestinian art- dialogue project for children

23 July 2000


     Israeli Dr. Ami Isseroff (ami_iss@netvision.net.i) reminds us of
another "bright spot" in the irreversible public peace process.
     It is "The Pieces for Peace Mosaic: An Israeli-Palestinian art-
dialogue project for children.
     You may see it on the Web at:


The illustrated Web page begins:

"If we are to have real peace, we must begin with the children."
Mahatma Gandhi

     More than 150 Palestinian and Israeli youth have met over the last 3
years to create 330 square feet of mosaic.
     This work of art is being painstakingly created from thousands of
mosaic tiles.
     The finished mosaic project will be placed in a park on the Israel-
Palestine border.
     The mosaic promises a fear-free future, and we hope it will be a
meeting place for the peoples of the region and the world.
     Your help is welcome.
     To contact us please call:
Adi Yekutieli, Israeli Co-Director at: 972-52-515223
Suhair Fritach, Palestinian Co-Director at: 972-50-611437
Yael Nativ, Israeli Co-Chair at: 972-52-309450 (YaNativ@netvision.net.il)
Ahmad Bwerat, Arab-Israeli Educational Coordinator at: 972-54-793484