"There are some things only
governments can do, such as negotiating binding agreements. But there are
some things that only citizens outside government can do, such as
changing human relationships."
-- Dr. Harold Saunders, former U.S. Assistant Secretary of State, and
Negotiator of the Camp David Accords
In Washington, DC, in the shadow of
government institutions which seem to choose confrontation over cooperation,
the "public peace process" is taking a different, more hopeful form.
Arab-American Andy Shallal (ashallal@cox.rr.com) has
created a PEACE CAFE, right in his "Mimi's American Bistro" at 2120 P
Street NW. The phone number is (202) 464-6464. It's at http://www.mimisdc.com/
Andy began two years ago creating an atmosphere of
breaking bread together in a safe place for learning and Dialogue among Arabs,
Jews, and supportive others.
The June, 2002 WAMU-Radio story about the PEACE CAFE
can be heard on the Web at:
In the Fall, Andy would like to
help create a PEACE CAFE in Jerusalem.
Is the PEACE CAFE trademarked? "No,"
Andy says.
"Take it and run with it!"