From California's "Silicon
Valley" has spread worldwide a technology and communication revolution --
helping people to connect and cooperate.
Another revolution of the
spirit and Jewish-Arab relationships has been loosed around the world in the
past few years, also expressed in the same Santa Clara Valley of California.
Last night, Thursday, April 17, 2003 Jewish
participants in the 2-year-old Arab-Jewish Dialogue of the South Bay invited
everyone to a special, inclusive Jewish-Arab Dialogue Passover Seder.
And they wrote a special ceremony to make contemporary
the traditional Haggadah (telling, story), with original language and borrowing
text from similar Jewish-Muslim and Jewish-Palestinian Seders being
increasingly created and celebrated in other cities.
Passover remembers the Hebrew
people's escape from persecution and slavery in ancient times. It
determines that freedom for Jews and all peoples be a principle upon which to
live life today.
These new ceremonies celebrate the coming of freedom
for all the children of Abraham, Hagar, and Sarah -- all people, everywhere.
"Why is this night different from all other
nights?" reads one participant.
"On all other nights we do not dip bitter herbs
to remind us of the the bitterness of slavery and alienation.
"On this night we dip them twice to honor two
peoples, the Palestinians and the Israelis, who must and will together find the
path to mutual respect and coexistence."
You can view photos of the evening on the Web
The evening was planned by:
Jan Feldman --
Rita Norton --
Sharla Kibel --