PLEASE FORWARD to Washington, DC colleagues and friends

To:  Dialogue participants, students, and interested others in the Washington, DC area
  Opportunities to gather, expand, and deepen in peace-building  (March 18-23, 2004)
Website with more information:

Inspired by the Common Ground Award Ceremony honoring, among others,
Dr. Harold "Hal" Saunders, innovator of Sustained Dialogue and the "public peace process"
Breaking the Ice, the historic 2004 Israeli-Palestinian peace expedition to Antarctica

Libby and Len Traubman, Jewish-Palestinian Living Room Dialogue, travelling to DC for the Awards,
Anas "Andy" Shallal, Mimi's Peace Cafe, Washington, DC
invite others to respond with interest and ideas for creative deepening and relationship-building gatherings
with special opportunities to hear inspiring stories from the Palestinian-Israeli "Breaking the Ice" expedition
in and around Washington, DC Thursday, March 18 thru Tuesday, March 23, 2004.

Please go to the Web site for more details, at

We look forward to your e-mail responses and ideas, and to some fine days together.

Libby and Len