During October, 2005, American
Muslims opened their doors and arms as never before.
Here around
People responded. People met, learned,
prayed. Stereotypes dissolved.
Walls fell, probably forever.
New kinds of newspaper banners appeared.
Mosques reach out to
non-Muslims: Various open houses intended to educate public, dispel stereotypes
Non-Muslims invited to join
celebrations marking Ramadan
San Francisco Chronicle -- October
15, 2005.
Look to
Potluck for peace: Jews, Muslims
share dinner as holidays mesh
Potluck attempts to unite Jews,
Muslims: More than 50 gathered for the dinner Thursday on the MU campus
The Missourian -- October 7, 2005
On the
East Coast at
They wanted to be sure of success for their second
annual Holy Day~Ramadan
It was student-inspired, student-planned.
It succeeded.
Twice as many people as expected showed up.
Clearly, we can expand our identification while
strengthening in our own identity and increasing our faith in the highest.
Published in the Baltimore Jewish Times -- 14 October 2005
Jews, Muslims, Gather For
Joint Holidays
Andrew Scherr Staff Reporter
Last Monday night, Oct. 10, Jewish and Muslim students
At the height of the midterm season, 165 students
broke away from their textbooks to attend the second annual High Holy Day/Ramadan
Banquet. Co-sponsored by the Jewish and Muslim student associations at
During these highly spiritual and politically charged
times, the event gave the students of different backgrounds an opportunity to
interact and learn about each other's traditions.
"This campus has an environment of not just
tolerance across religious, cultural and ethnic lines, but a real respect and
desire to learn from each other," said Rabbi Joe Menashe,
director of
Rabbi Menashe pointed out
that the banquet was organized almost entirely by students from both
organizations. Two students who co-organized the event were Joshua Lerman, the JSA's education
chair, and Moktar Sheikh-Salah,
religious brothers chair of the MSA.
Mr. Lerman said the JSA
removed all Jewish imagery and iconography from the banquet room before the
arrival of the Muslims, since the latter group is forbidden to pray in front of
other religion's symbols. Similarly, the Muslims agreed that the cuisine served
at the gathering would be kosher to accommodate kashrut-
observant Jews.
"This is to promote humanity more than religious
ideologies," Mr. Sheikh-Salah said. "In the
end, Jews and Muslims are just trying to be good people."
Mr. Lerman said that twice
as many people showed up at the banquet than expected. "Even though there
is a calc test, a systems test and a neuro-science
test tomorrow, people came out anyway," Mr. Lerman
said. "They come out because they enjoy meeting people they don't normally
As the students poured into the center, Rabbi Menashe briefly greeted everyone and requested silence so
the Muslim students could perform their traditional prayer for iftar, the breaking of the fast during Ramadan. The Muslim
students congregated in the corner of the room and prayed for nearly 20 minutes
while the other students observed them in respectful silence.
After the Muslims finished their prayer, they rejoined
the Jewish students in the buffet line where some served food along with JSA president
Rebecca L. Grammer and Rachael Heinmann,
Toward the end of the meal, a Muslim and a Jewish
student spoke in front of the audience about the significance of fasting in
their respective religions.
"It feels good to be with other people who are
worshipping and fasting," said Amira Quraishi, adviser for the MSA at
Following the event, MSA president Safi
Shareef said he was pleased with the turnout. He said
that such interfaith gatherings and dialogues are "necessary in today's
"To have the opportunity to share experiences is
something that doesn't happen naturally," Mr. Shareef
said. "To have an organized event like this is a great opportunity to have
a dialogue."