Voice of America broadcasts

Jews, Palestinians in Dialogue

Monday, 26 June 2006


     Last month -- May, 2006 -- was the story of former adversaries, Palestinian Nader Elbanna and Jewish Miko Peled, who met several years ago in a San Diego Dialogue -- http://sdpalestinianjewishdialogue.org/ .
     The once-enemies became partners, sparking a bold, creative project that raised $84,000 to buy 1,000 wheelchairs for Holy Land Palestinians and Israelis, equally, described at:


     Elbanna, Peled, and their colleagues are already eyeing their possible next recipient, Hand in Hands Schools -- http://handinhandk12.org/ -- who educate Arab and Jewish students in the same classrooms, teaching them one another's languages, always equally.

     These two men illustrate what powerful social outcomes can emerge from successful Sustained Dialogue.
     From citizens who grow together to want the best for the "other," and just for oneself.

     This week of June, 2006,  Voice of America radio chose to broadcast a story about successful Palestinian-Jewish Dialogue.
     Read and listen about Jews and Palestinians who engage -- not disengage -- to change fear and resistance to creativity, as did Miko and Nader.

                Jews and Palestinians Talk Peace in a Living Room
                Voice of America -- 20 June 2006 -- San Francisco

     Take heart in the dozens of other outreach endeavors that have emerged from this Dialogue:


     Reach out and help, even fund, these activities that are healing and life-giving.
     Each of us can make a very big difference.