July 4th— Symbolism  in sports arenas, among nations

Sunday, 04 July 2010


"I want to build bridges between

cultures and nations and people.

That's why we exist."

          -- Adri Hamael, Palestinian-Canadian

              Founder, Vancouver Int'l Soccer Festival


     July 4, 1776, Founding Fathers of the United States adopted The Declaration of Independence.
     Two signers -- John Adams then Thomas Jefferson -- were also distanced opponents who developed disdain for one another.
     They became second and third Presidents of the U.S.    
     They were  fierce competitors launching ferocious attacks on each other.
     In later years, they transcended differences, found their shared humanity, and built a friendship.
     July 4, 1826 Adams and Jefferson died on the same day -- resolved, with each other in their hearts.
     This is symbolic of the un-ending, ever-maturing American Revolution -- the importance of the individual citizen always in cooperation with others for the good of all.


     July 4, 2010, there is an evolving South African HOMECOMING REVOLUTION -- http://www.homecomingrevolution.co.za/
     Sport is a force for this awakening to both personal independence and humankind's undeniable interdependence -- one-ness.


"It does not matter that we did not qualify.

What matters is what we are creating together."

          From SIGN OF A VICTORY

                    by Anthony Prangley & Rebecca Sehloho

                    South African youth pioneers of change


     WATCH  --  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YW4nwsqgz8I -- THEIR INSPIRING VIDEO  (1-1/2 min) featuring the Soweto Spiritual Singers

     Also in South Africa, FOOTBALL FOR HOPE -- http://www.fifa.com/aboutfifa/worldwideprograms/footballforhope/ --  is a celebration of the power of football as a tool for social change and an official element of the 2010 FIFA World Cup.
     This unique and global movement uses the power of football to achieve sustainable social development.
     Thirty-two teams of young people from disadvantaged communities around the world are gathered in Johannesburg for a festival of education, culture and football.


Football for hope festival begins in South Africa

Published in NEXT (Nigeria) -- 01 July 2010



     Youth participants include the "Peace Team" of eight Israeli and eight Palestinian teenagers  who flew to South Africa to compete as one in parallel with the FIFA World Cup.
     These impressive young women and men are young apprentice coaches who have graduated from the "Twinned Peace Sport Schools" Program of the Peres Center for Peace -- http://www.peres-center.org/ - and the Al Quds Association for Democracy and Dialogue -- http://www.streetfootballworld.org/network/all-nwm/al-quds
     They are extraordinary youth role models of cooperation for both young peers and the international community.
      They are modeling on one of the world's greatest stages how Israelis and Palestinians can engage and cooperate successfully.


     Beginning June 26, 2010, the VANCOUVER INTERNATIONAL SOCCER FESTIVAL --   http://www.visf.ca -- gathered 1,000 athletes and volunteers representing 36 nations competing in 128 matches.
     Of the 48 teams, Team Israel-Palestine United -- http://traubman.igc.org/visfteamunited.pdf -- who flew together from the Holy Land were winners of the VISF 2010 Team Spirit Award.
     Palestinian-Canadian Adri Hamael is VISF's founder and director who can be reached at info@visf.ca and (604) 727-7038 and his Facebook page.
     Hamael said:
     "Beyond soccer, this is about global peace.
     "This is about building bonds between cultures and nations.
     "We are united by our love for this game, united by our mutual respect for one another."
     SEE TV news broadcasts:


Soccer festival's goal is peace in the Middle East

CTV News -- 27 June 2010


Vancouver International Soccer Festival

3-min news video

Novus TV - 29 June 2010 



    READ print media reports:


Festival seeks peace through soccer

Metro Vancouver -- June 26, 2009


Palestinian and Israeli

Coed Soccer Teams Unite at 2010 VISF

Vancouver International Soccer Festival Coincides with Canadian Multiculturalism Day and FIFA

June 7, 2010



     WATCH the VISF site -- http://www.visf.ca-- for more news and social outcomes from this powerful initiative from Vancouver.

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These and hundreds of other success stories are preserved at http://traubman.igc.org/messages.htm