OUR SHARED PLANET-STORY: The disarming, new power
Wednesday, 30 October2013
"A story is the shortest distance between people."
Pat Speight
"Storytelling is a shared experience, and
shared experiences are the basis of all relationships."
J.G. "Paw-paw" Pinkerton
"Stories simultaneously celebrate what is unique about us
and provide bridges to what is common among us."
fThe Storyweavers, Lucinda Flodin & Dennis Frederick
"Storytelling can change a room.
It can change lives. It can change the world."
Gwenda LedBetter
"Storytelling creates a pathway toward true 'civilization.'"
The Storycrafters, Jeri Burns & Barry Marshall
We are one human family -- neighbors
forever -- with our shared story of Earth and us.
"The society of the planet" must get
going, said educator Joseph Campbell (1904-1987), or "you don't have
Individual survival is an illusion.
Campbell says that the only vision, myth, or story
"that's going to be worth thinking about in the immediate future is one
that's talking about the planet.
"Not the city, not (particular) people, but the
planet and everybody on it."
Our Myth - Our Planet'
Joseph Campbell
2-min video
Human success stories of life together
surround us, if we seek them.
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Middle East (fiction)
UNDER THE SAME SUN is the first
full-length film by Search for Common Ground -- http://www.sfcg.org
Early October, 2013, was the first film broadcast
on the same day to large audiences on both Israeli and Palestinian television.
The film tells the story of two businessmen a
Palestinian Muslim and an Israeli Jew who set out to make money, and who end up
forwarding peace.
Their joint venture, a solar energy company, provokes
profound hostility from members of their respective families and communities.
Understanding that the business will have little
chance of success without peaceful, popular support, they mount a Facebook campaign that results in a groundswell of popular
encouragement in both communities, for both their joint venture and for better
Crowds of people awaken, express themselves, and
insist on a political agreements that serve and dignify both peoples.
Beginning with face-to-face relationships,
cooperation, and creativity between two, courageous individual citizens, the
film shows what is possible, what can be.
Watch for upcoming screenings worldwide.
Under The Same Sun
Trailer -- 1-1/2 min
For information about obtaining DVDs on
a limited basis, write to Karen Zehr at
Learn more about this historic film event:
Israeli, Palestinian TV to simultaneously air film about conflict
The docu-drama was shot in the West Bank and in east Jerusalem and stars actors from both Israel and the Palestinian Territories.
by Felice Friedson & Diana Atallah -- The Media Line
The Jerusalem Post -- 03 October 2013
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Middle East (non-fiction)
Israeli Shaul
David Judelman and Palestinian Ziad
Abed Sabateen plan to open an organic farm
The rabbi and the Palestinian farmer are neighbors,
partners and increasingly, friends.
They will sell vegetables and support both Palestinian
and Jewish families in need.
Difference Maker
A rabbi and a Palestinian farmer are neighbors, partners and friends
By Margarida Santos Lopes
The Christian Science Monitor -- October 4, 2013
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Nigeria, West Africa
SEEDS FOR PEACE was the first day convened
last Sunday, 28 October 2013, for eager Christian and Muslim farmers in
northern Nigeria.
Visionary Maijama'a Usman Mohammed Inuwa asked the
women and men -- sometimes feared, mistrusted adversaries -- to bring their
best, native, open pollinated seeds to exchange with one another.
His Hausa name means "man of the people."
The Muslim peacebuilder
hopes to (1) coach citizens in sustainable, biointensive
farming and (2) build cooperative relationships.
His new Seeds for Peace Innovation and Application
Center promises to re-direct history -- food growing and human relations -- in
Nigeria and beyond.
Usman receives e-mail at
HIS STORY will continue to be told at:
Dialogue for Relationships & Sustainable Farming
Bauchi State, Nigeria
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Middle East (non-fiction)
HAND IN HAND SCHOOLS -- http://www.handinhandk12.org -- in Arab
and Jewish towns, is where teachers, parents, and students are partnering
--building peace and equality one school, one community at a time.
In early October, 2013, a new Haifa campus opened for
44 Palestinian and Jewish children -- citizens of Israel -- in three different
age groups beginning their bilingual journey together.
The Hand in Hand: Center for Jewish-Arab Education --
with an Israeli Palestinian and a Jewish teacher at the head of each
classroom -- is creating a growing network of integrated, bilingual schools
and shared communities of children, youth and adults throughout Israel.
Founded in 1997, Hand in Hand's success and longevity
demonstrate that children, families and entire communities of Jews and Arabs in
Israel and beyond can live and work together with mutual respect and
"Jews and Arabs learning together, living
together and changing the world together" is their theme.
SEE their inspiring video:
Hand in Hand Schools
August 2013 -- 10 min. video
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These and hundreds of other success stories are preserved at http://traubman.igc.org/messages.htm