Good Medicine for Ending War

Monday, 15 September 2014



"There is perhaps no better demonstration of the folly of human conceits

than this distant image of our tiny world. 

To me, it underscores our responsibility to deal more kindly with one another

and to preserve and cherish the only home we've ever known."

~ Carl Sagan, scientist  (1934-1996)

     in The Small Blue Dot

"Go forth and transform your personal relationships, your community, your world.

We are all agents of transfiguration." 

~ Desmond Tutu (San Francisco, 06 March 2011)

War is Bad Medicine
Let each citizen among us begin the new, needed conversations, even in our grief and stress over today's events.
Why war -- mostly crimes -- with us and them so quickly throwing fierce, barbarian death at one another?

Let's be clear.
We and they behead each other and arrogantly plan to "decapitate" one another's leadership. 
Some use swords and watch. 
Others don't, but from safe distances trigger ungodly explosives that eviscerate and dismember limbs, organs, and heads from children, woman, and men -- innocents, increasingly.

Pretending to be civilized, they and we are not. 
But we could be.

Good Medicine for Ending War
All is One
This singular fact of our existence requires respect.
Only together, interdependent will we live and survive humankind's shared challenges on Earth.

Let's be clear again.
Each person's body parts do not survive without the others -- heart, kidneys, liver, vessels, fluids, hormones, biological and emotional nourishment.
There is no individual survival.

And so it is with our human community.
Also a living body, we exist to cooperate and improve together.

Ways are discoverable
-- life rewards determination with prescriptions for health.
SEE two videos:


The Pale Blue Dot

4-min video -- Carl Sagan, scientist

One Planet -- Together We Can Live

Cheryl Melody's peace anthem

4-min music video


First, do no harm.
Healthcare students worldwide are taught "primum non nocere" -- first be sure that intervention has minimum risk of making conditions worse and further harming the patient.
Our first responsibility is to choose time-tested treatment, after diagnosing the root cause of the patient's disease.

For war, Nigerian Dr. Emmanuel Ande Ivorgba defines war's root cause as a disease worse the HIV/AIDS.
It is HRV -- Human Relationship-Deficiency Virus pictured at

The preventive and antidote is face-to-face engagement with Sustained Dialogue, Ivorgba says.
Multi-lingual graphics to assist this curative for war are at

People practicing good medicine
1. During summer 2014 a new social media campaign calling for tolerance began building, even as millions went online to share information about the Gaza devastation.
     Jews and Arabs around the world continue sharing loving images of coexistence and using the hashtag #JewsAndArabsRefuseToBeEnemies in an effort to change the discourse online.
     BBC Trending met the people behind the campaign.


Jews and Arabs refuse to be enemies

BBC NEWS Magazine -- 23 July 2014

2-1/2 min video


2  Eighteen American, Palestinian, and Israeli teens ages 13-18 gathered at Bard College at Simon's Rock for the 2014 MiC International Youth Summit in August 2014.
     During eight days they worked, lived, and played together, collaborating to write and record an original song and produce a music video that speaks their collective voice and message.
     Through communication, cooperation, respect, trust, and understanding these youth discovered their differences and found their commonalities and translated those into the song an video presented here.
     The inter-cultural, multi-faith experience and their commitment to working together represents their vision of a world where change is possible.
     LEARN MORE about Music In Common at
     SEE their video:


The Change We'll Bring

Music in Common International Youth Summit 2014

4-min video


3.  Musical artist Mira Awad, a Palestinian Israeli, describes how to walk on one's tightrope of life, being true to our personal destiny and principles while transcending cultural influences that can distract us from being ourselves. 
     Singing "There Must Be Another Way," in 2009 Mira partnered with Jewish Israeli singer Achinoam Nini to represent Israel at the Eurovision Song Contest.
    Always expanding her identification, Mira describes her journey from childhood in an Arab village to the world stages.
     WATCH Mira's story:


Mira Awad -- Bahlawan (acrobat)

An appeal for tolerance and being oneself, walking the tightrope of life

TEDx Talk -- 06 May 2014

12-min video

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These and hundreds of other success stories are preserved at