2015 Bridge-builders Light Paths to Each Other, Human to Human

Tuesday, 22 December 2015


The future is not some place we are going, but one we are creating.

The paths are not to be found, but made. 

And the activity of making them changes both the maker and their destination.

            ~ Johnn Schaar

We are all at once both a composition and a composer. 

We have the ability not only to compose the future of our own lives, but to

help compose the future of everyone around us and the communities in which we live.

            ~ Maya Angelou

Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass.

It's about learning how to dance in the rain!

            ~ Anonymous

Out of proportion and betraying humankind, stories of human failures irresponsibly dominate news to excite and awaken exaggerated fear among citizens and policy makers.
Citizens are deprived of great acts of courage, goodness, and reconciliation, while print and broadcast journalists profit.

"If it bleeds, it leads" guides many editorial and marketing decisions.
Yet conscientious broadcast journalist Edward R. Murrow (1908-1965) pleaded for citizens to be aware of news reporting that would only "entertain, amuse, and insulate" us from a whole view of life events.

In this 2015 Season of Light "If it succeeds, it leads" can be a balancing standard to adopt, thus helping to more wholly illuminate the greater reality-on-the-ground of human imagination, compassion, and coexistence with one another and Earth.

Here are stories to lift us to our best and highest --- beyond passivity and despair, beyond fear and war -- lighting our way onward and upward together.

= = 1 = =
Shining Light on Better
Communication Together
Faced with toxic videos and virulent online attacks, we can still create the world of engagement.
A troubled Jerusalem resident -- like many others -- pleads for civil conversations.

She says: "We can choose the kind of words that allow for shades of gray.
"We can choose to say,  'I respect you even though I disagree.'

"Words create worlds.
"We can succumb to the world of yelling people, or we can create the world of the tent."
READ more:


Talking our way to a better world

The Times of Israel -- 18 December 2015


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Middle East Tour Guides to Shine Light
On Many Places and Multiple Human Narratives
During the December 2015 Season of Light Holy Land darkest of times, many say 34 women and men tour guides and six hosts eagerly arrived at the Dead Sea.
They came from the West Bank and Israel to face one another
with the intention to become agents of change.

Only two weeks earlier, a sole Israeli citizen had broadcast an invitation to Palestinian and Israeli tourism professionals to meet at the EcoME Center http://ecomecenter.org to invent how they might maximize their tour guiding to expose travelers to more diverse voices and places, and humanize everyone for those thousands of tourists they lead every year.

The carefully planned, facilitated day allowed the Muslim, Christian, and Jewish tour guides to discover one another, increase their own communication skills, find new meaning for their own personal and professional lives, and see themselves as bridges of understanding. 

Participants said: "Why did no one think of this before?" "Today was like water in the desert."  The facilitator said: "It was all about being together, feeling one in our shared vision, collectively inspiring each other, believing we can influence change.  We tour guides experienced Light."  SEE PHOTOS and more:


Tour Guides as a Bridge Between Humans

A Historic Meeting at the Dead Sea

Monday, 14 December 2015


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Easy Internet Technology Lights Up
Living Rooms Worldwide
December 7, 2015, easy-to-use Internet communication technology was maximized by citizen relationship builders meeting face-to-fate around the planet.
The personal hour to meet, speak, and listen to one another for mutual international learning and inspiration was Zoom-facilitated from a California home during the 281st meeting of the Jewish-Palestinian Living Room Dialogue on the San Francisco Peninsula.


2015 Season of Light Global Video Bridge

December 2015 -- Story and 65-minute video


= = 4 = =
Enlightened Youth
Teach Us New Songs
With Kids4Peace Jerusalem -- http://www.k4p.org --there is more happening than sensational headlines tell.
There are sensational young Jews and Palestinians who refuse to be enemies and insist on engaging.
And there are extraordinary parents who permit and inspire their youth to keep moving toward one another and staying together.


Keep Hope Alive

Kids4Peace - Jerusalem

2-min video -- 25 November 2015



During August, 2015, 14 young Israeli and Palestinian women from Creativity For Peace -- http://www.creativityforpeace.com -- came together in Jerusalem.
In a safe space, they co-created an original song -- I Saw It Through Her Eyes -- about their experiences of meeting, communicating, and living as young leaders in the region.
Powerfully refusing to be enemies, these and other young adults are creatively lowering walls and closing distances between the people.


I Saw It Through Her Eyes

by young Palestinian and Israel youth of Creativity for Peace

3-min music video


= = 5 = =
Choosing Light by
Pre-deciding About Violence
"As loving parents who raised two children during the era of the Vietnam War, we were inspired by the work of child psychologist Haim Ginott who observed:
Misbehavior and punishment are not opposites that cancel each other. 
On the contrary, they breed and reinforce each other.

"We asked ourselves: Is it possible that spanking smacking, some say has a ripple effect into our community and inter-nationally?
And so we challenged two rarely-questioned, often-implemented axioms of our times: 


Violence is a good way to get what you want.

You can end violence with violence.


Pre-deciding About Violence

December 2015

An unpublished article for a needed conversation about child discipline at home and the "war button" that is pushed to quickly and often.


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This message is on the Web at http://traubman.igc.org/messages/690.htm
Hundreds of other success stories are preserved at http://traubman.igc.org/messages.htm