Peace is intercourse. . .in the Middle East, around Earth

Wednesday, 18 December 2013


"In the moment of crisis, the wise build bridges and the foolish build dams." 

            ~ Nigerian proverb

People fail to get along because they fear each other;

they fear each other because they don't know each other;

they don't know each other because they have not communicated with each other.

            ~ Martin Luther King Jr.


     "Wanting" peace without seeking social intercourse is "like conceiving a baby without the required sperm and egg, the needed opposites expecting a miracle that isn't going to happen."
     Even peace education today can miss the point.  An academic conflict transformation lecture or course—often not intercourse—frequently lacks a practicum or lab, field work, authentic experience that time-tests heart-to-heart human engagement skills. 
     Beyond theorizing and dependency on politicians and war, it is urgent to "replace today's dehumanizing, normalized non-intercourse, fear, ignorance, and assumptions with the seeds and skills of citizen-to-citizen familiarity, companionship, empathy, and problem-solving co-creativity —real ecstasy, a life worth living."


Peace is Intercourse

Published in Peace Is Sexy -- 17 December 2013

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Scientific Intercourse
in Jerusalem

     Pairs of graduate students -- one Israeli and one Palestinian -- commit to study health care and science together with Scientific Training Encouraging Peace (STEP) --
     Each Palestinian and Israeli pledges to remain as resources to the other member of their training pair after formal education is completed, while each enhances and builds scientific expertise in their homeland.
     2013 participants Anas (Palestinian), Leonor (Israeli); Hasnaa (Palestinian) and Orit (Israeli) are pursuing together MS/PhD programs in the Hebrew University-Hadassah School of Dental Medicine, in Jerusalem.

     This exemplary human engagement and cooperation for the good of both peoples is also a collaboration between Al-Quds, Ben-Gurion, and Tufts Universities.
     MORE INFORMATION is available from Tufts Professor Allen Taylor at

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Albino ~ Non-Albino Social  Intercourse
in West Africa

     In Cote d'Ivore (Ivory Coast) and throughout Africa, Albino citizens are dehumanized, rejected, excluded in the workplace, dismembered and even killed sacrificially out of centuries-old ignorance, fear, and superstition. 
     Not waiting for governments or institutions, this bullying and prejudice at its worst is being corrected by brave, citizen-driven, face-to-face civil engagement.
     The First Albino ~ Non-Albino Dialogue Conference during November, 2013, in Abidjan, Cote d'Ivoire is illustrated at

     MORE is at
     The courageous citizen-innovator and facilitator is Offuh James Offuh at

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Meal Courses & Social Intercourse
among Muslims & Jews

     Slim Peace -- -- is helping women from diverse backgrounds lose weight while learning about each others cultures.
     By 2007, founder Yael Luttwak -- -- with Arab partners gathered together many Palestinian and Jewish women in the Middle East.
     The women -- Israelis, Palestinians, Bedouin Arabs, and American settlers -- in the West Bank originally came together with the shared goal of losing weight, then found out they had far more in common than they ever would have imagined.


A Slim Peace

July 2007 --14-min video

     In 2013, Slim Peace is expanding and increasingly gathering diverse women in the U.S. 
     READ more:


Jewish and Muslim, Bonding Over Dieting

The New York Times -- March 16, 2013


     VIEW more:


Weight loss gropup helps break cultural barriers

TODAY SHOW --  NBC-TV -- 3-minute video

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for successful social intercourse

Multi-Language Graphic -- Usual Communication vs. Dialogue

French Language Guidelines

Humanizing and Appreciating Albinos in Our Community

Human Relationship Deficiency Virus (HRV)

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These and hundreds of other success stories are preserved at