On the way home, I felt a great feeling of optimism, and later found out that many of the others left Gaza with a similar feeling. The terrible sight of Gaza, the sharpening of the understanding of the conflict by seeing it in "real life," could have had the opposite effect. But somehow, seeing that words we had said and words we had heard throughout the Shabbat had fallen on ears of those whom are eager for some peace and quiet, of those whom we had known from a distance that "they" are flesh and blood - now seen face to face - made us feel that even if this whole activity was only on a small scale, it may have some effect and, if followed up, it may one day bear fruit.
Hava Kretzmer lives in Jerusalem and studies at the Hebrew University. She may be reached at msmarcia@pluto.mscc.huji.ac.il.
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is an alternative Israeli expression of Zionism committed to promote the ideals of tolerance, pluralism, and justice which have always been central to Jewish tradition and law.
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