"Wherever you stand, be the soul
of that place," said Rumi, the Sufi teacher
and mystic centuries ago.
It's found in ONE SONG, a stunning new illustrated
book of this Muslim wisdom, and concludes:
"Your bright gaze will
kindle this old shadow world to
up once again with the fire of faith."
"Faith," said another
teacher of ours, "is not sitting down on a
chair that isn't there."
So look at the evidence Jews and Palestinians with
their feet on the ground and their eyes on people.
For your season of light, here are
three examples of change and cooperation among Arabs and Jews, revealed in:
This evidence reminds us about "enemies"
who, over time and this very day, have reached out to one another and moved
beyond war.
Let each of us one by one join this growing community
of Cultural Creatives.
Wherever you are, "be the soul of that
Share these stories. Be like these people.
"Your bright gaze will kindle
this old shadow world to
blaze up
once again with the fire of faith."
==== 1.
New Film in the making ====
The Zeitouna
Movie Project is about, and by, the ongoing, successful women's Arab-Jewish
Dialogue group in Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA.
They are true to their promise, "refusing to be
Zeitouna is authentic and
dedicated, and they have skillfully and thoughtfully created their film's
trailer and its Web site.
For holiday inspiration, be sure to view the
trailer at http://zeitounamovie.org
Already they have modeled what is needed in this
precious public peace process excellence in Sustained Dialogue and and in film making to tell their story to the world.
==== 2. New University
Thesis just finished ====
Scholar Avi Zer-Aviv ( AviZer@yahoo.com ) was born in Tel Aviv and
now lives in
In December, 2002, he wrote:
"My interest in coexistence
and dialogue stems from my own personal journey and experience. Having
been brought up with all the typical fears and prejudices around Palestinians
and Arabs, it was not until I really listened to the 'other' that I realized
how flawed my own perceptions had been. Since then, I have been very
active in coexistence initiatives, and in building bridges between these
Based on his personal evolution,
grounded in authentic human relationships and in initiating landmark
Department of Independent Studies,
In Avi's words, this manuscript is
"a historical, personal, cultural, and creative journey on Arab-Jewish
Relations in Ottoman
You can download and read the complete manuscript at http://traubman.igc.org/theses.htm#zer-aviv
==== 3. New Portraits of youth on the move ====
Nowhere in the world that we know of do
Palestinian, Jewish and other young women become more human, more related, more
effective agents of change than in the inspired "Building Bridges for
Peace" program based in Denver, Colorado.
Wherever we meet the young women of excellence
from BBfP, they are reliably "the soul of that
Read some of their stories -- http://www.s-c-g.org/newsletter/Portraits_of_Change.pdf
And be assured that each one's "bright gaze will
kindle this old shadow world to blaze up once again with the fire of faith."