Survival of the Kindest. . .on the road less traveled

14 December 2017


"Governments cannot do the whole  job themselves.

Increasingly change comes from the bottom up and not from the top down.

Increasingly governments find themselves paralyzed to do what they ought to do.

Our job is to design a complimentary 'public peace process' as the

new normal conduct of relations between peoples across boundaries."

            ~ Dr. Harold Saunders (paraphrased)

            former U.S. Assistant Secretary of State


"We won't get anywhere if we don't help each other."

            ~ Dave Letterman

            on receiving the 2017 Mark Twain Prize for Humor

"What if you and I spent most of our time. . .to consider the needs of another.

Our choice makes all of the difference."

            ~ Jessica McCune

            from The Story of Peace

            TEDxOcala --

"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I

I took the one less traveled by,

And that has made all the difference."

            ~ Robert Frost

            The Road Not Taken

Un-distinctive roads commonly chosen lead toward exclusion, separation, punishment, selective empathy, self gain, and the illusion of individual survival.
In brave contrast, Ms. Huda Abuarquob, in Hebron, calls for "a politics of acquaintance."

December, 2017, winner of the Vatican's first "Laudato Si" Award for individual initiative, she is Palestinian co-director of the Alliance for Middle East Peace (ALLMEP) --

TODAY global citizens like Huda are increasingly taking the road less traveled, most needed:

1.  Helping Each Other with a Diffusion of Sympathy, Empathy, and Compassion   
2.  Radical Kinship in Los Angeles
3.  Radical Kinship Among Kentucky and Massachusetts Youth and Adults
4.  Radical Kinship Heals, Diminishes Stereotypes Among Korean and Japanese Young Adults
5.  Enrichment Videos

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Helping Each Other with a
Diffusion of Sympathy, Empathy, and Compassion
Charles Darwin (1809-1882) showed how life and we evolved until now.
Less known -- perhaps more important -- was Darwin's prescription for continued survival together.

Darwin's requirement was kindness, and a diffusion of empathy around Earth.
Expanding affections beyond clan and ethnicity, to include one's entire nation -- all nations and peoples of our human family, Planet Earth -- would become our calling and imperative.

May, 1839, Darwin published that people of the successful, ongoing tribes -- the fittest -- were always ready to give aid to each other and to sacrifice themselves for the common good."
For us today, the scientist's imperative for continued evolution is for us to become fully human by diffusing sympathy and compassion around our global community -- the new, inclusive tribe of Earth, our one home.

With this widening survival of the kindest, Darwin said: The social and moral qualities would tend slowly to advance and be diffused throughout the world."

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Radical Kinship in Los Angeles
Father Gregory Boyle in Los Angeles, California USA warns that despair is lethal and drives good people to become our lesser selves. 
The preventive and cure is a Culture of Kinship, he prescribes.

All that we struggle for -- peace, justice, equality -- are really byproducts of our kinship.
So, no kinship, no peace; no kinship, no equality; no kinship, no justice -- no matter how singularly we might focus on those worthy goals -- unless we stand against forgetting that we belong to each other, that there is no "us" and "them."

The world is invited to become a community where everybody belongs. . . imagine a circle of compassion. . .imagine that nobody is standing outside that circle.
We are all called to dismantle the barriers that exclude.

Part of it is coming to terms with your own broken-ness and wounds.
If we're strangers to our own wounds, then we're going to be tempted to despise the wounded.
This accounts for what is happening in the country -- such a moral distance between "us" and "them" and wholesale despising of broken people.

And people want to be connected to each other, no matter what.
Really, we already are.


Radical Kinship: Preventing the lethal absence of hope

Father Gregory Boyle interview by Sarah Silverman

7-min video -- 09 November 2017

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Radical Kinship Among Kentucky
and Massachusetts Youth and Adults
In a divided America, fifteen eager Eastern Kentucky coal mining, Trump voting residents piled into a rented van out of Letcher County, KY, and drove 15 hours north to live with host families in more-liberal New England.
"Hands Across the Hills" was an invitation to begin conversations and relationships for three days in homes and public meeting places in Leverett, Massachusetts.

At the midpoint of the weekend, about 300 people crammed into the Leverett elementary school auditorium for a public forum. The opening sing-along featured lyrics written expressly for the exchange:
"Before we met you, we pictured your faces, we studied your names, planned where you'd stay.... and we're taking a chance, to join and sit down together...."

LISTEN to the song, Hands Across the Hills at

Next Spring the New Englanders will return the visit to Kentucky, hoping to create a national model.
For more information, contact Paula Green,, of the Karuna Center for Peacebuilding --


Kentucky Group Gives Western Mass. A Lesson On Coal Country

6-1/2 min audio -- 01 November 2017

Conservative Kentuckians, Leverett counterparts reach across the political gap

Greenfield Reporter -- 28 October 2017

Time is now for Americans in dialogue

Daily Hampshire Gazette -- 17 October 2017

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Radical Kinship Heals, Diminishes Stereotypes
Among Korean and Japanese Young Adults
August 7-12, 2017, Koreans and Japanese with inherited narratives, and ignorance of one another and wounds from a history of colonial rule, met and became closer in Okazaki, Japan.
The pioneering activity was created by the Universal Reinforcement and Innovation of Youth Association (URIYA) -- -- based in Seoul, Korea.

URIYA creates forums where young women and men can engage and interact in creative activities that heal relationships and create a new reality of connection across Asia.
They intend to strengthen the capacity of the individual citizens to give birth to a world community of all humankind.

Primary mentors and planners were Sungho Kang (Korea - and Ms. Naoko Jin (Japan - founder of Building Bridges for Peace --
SEE the student-created video:


Korean Youth Travel to Japan to Engage, Heal, Become Closer

Okazaki, Japan -- Summer 2017

6-min video

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Enrichment Videos


Hand in Hand:

Building a Shared Society for Jews & Arabs

3-1/2 min video

A Compassionate World Begins with You

1-min video

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