The Jewish Community Center of San Francisco
The Jewish-Palestinian Living Room Dialogue Group of San Francisco
Present the only Bay Area Exhibition of the beautiful
Middle East Peace Quilt
Created by 300 Palestinians, Jews, artists and students from the world community
Free to the public
May 31 to July 14, 2000
Jewish Community Center of San Francisco
3200 California Street at Presidio
------ in addition ------
You are also invited to a
Public Reception
Featuring live music by the Almarjanah Ensemble
and a rare opportunity for Jews, Palestinians, and others to gather and
exchange ideas about our common future.
Thursday, June 29, 2000
7:30-9:30 pm
Jewish Community Center of San Francisco
3200 California Street at Presidio
For information and reservations:
Telephone (415) 292-1286
Made possible by the Simcha Foundation
Read an article about the successful Palestinian-Jewish evening
Successful June, 2000 Palestinian-Jewish Reception in San Francisco
Read an article about the Quilt published by the Jewish Bulletin of Northern California:
Palestinian-Jewish quilt offers pattern for peace, social change
(more about the Quilt, below)
Travelling exhibition
still adding people's quilt squares
Middle East Peace Quilt
The inspiring creativity of three hundred Jews, Palestinians, and others depicts their visions of Middle East peace and a shared future in 29 quilted panels, each about three feet square. Each of the beautiful suspended panels is displayed with its binder containing the names and personal statements of each quilt square maker. (See photos below)
The creator is Sima Elizabeth Shefrin, a Jewish fabric artist in Vancouver, BC, Canada, who teaches a course called "Stitching for Social Change: The use of fabric to make a better world."
Although these panels are already travelling to exhibits, Elizabeth invites new squares to be contributed by Palestinian and Jewish artists, quilters, women and men, young and old -- everyone. She can tell you how; it's fun and not difficult.
While most of the squares were made by men and women of all ages and backgrounds, some came from professional artists, including Wendy Lewington Coulter, Bill Horne, Barbara Heller, Linda Frimer and Persimmon Blackbridge.
The Middle East Quilt Project has been warmly supported by both the Jewish and Arab communities in Vancouver. It is intended to encourage communicaton and dialogue between the two groups. If you would like to (1) contribute a quilt square, (2) make a donation, or (3) obtain information on bringing the quilt to your community, please communicate with Elizabeth.
Elizabeth Shefrin
Gabriola Island, British Columbia, Canada
Telephone: 604-734-9395
On the Web at:
Canadian fabric artist Elizabeth Shefrin with two of the 29 panels of the Middle East Peace Quilt

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