(See additional useful VIDEOS)
Streaming Audio and Video
Jewish-Palestinian Dialogue
On the
Streaming audio and streaming video on the Internet will allow you to watch and listen to Palestinian and Jewish women, men, and youth in Dialogue.
You will experience, in sound and image, what Dialogue is and what it is not. And how it has changed people's lives. And how it can help invent a new, better future for all.
Abraham's Vision - Unity Program Youth Dialogue (video)
The Dialogue Project (Brooklyn, NY) (audio)
Gesher al Ha-Wadi Palestinian-Jewish "Hand in Hand" bilingual school's students, parents, teachers (video)
Jewish-Palestinian Living Room Dialogue (video & audio)
Koinonia Southern Africa (audio)
Noa Baum, Storyteller (audio and video)
Palestinian-Jewish Family Peacemakers Camp (video & audio)
San Diego Jewish-Palestinian Dialogue (audio)
University of California, Berkeley's "Day of Mutual Recognition" (video)
Zeitouna: Arab-Jewish Women's Dialogue (video)
More Resources
CHALLENGE DAY: School Programs That Build Connections and Inspire (videos)
FREEDOM WRITERS: Hollywood movie about the power of Story to transform people and classrooms (videos)
SUSTAINED DIALOGUE CAMPUS NETWORK: Ongoing support for university campus Dialogues (video)
Abrahams's Vision - Unity Progam Youth Dialogue
Streaming Video
Watch Muslim and Jewish high school young women describe how they engaged, listened, learned, and changed.
The Dialogue Project (Brooklyn, NY)
Streaming Audio
Hear New York Dialogue particpants being interviewed on several WNYC-Radio programs -- "Talking About It: Jews and Palestinians Learn to Listen."
Included is WNYC-Radio's "Middle East History Series."
Hand in Hand Schools
Palestinian & Jewish Israeli pioneers of Hebrew-Arabic bi-lingual education
"Gesher al Ha-Wadi -- Bridge over the Wadi"
Students, teachers, parents express their motives, experiences
Streaming Video
The school's story by Common Ground News (CGNews) is on the Web at:
http://www.commongroundnews.org/article.php?mode=8&id=188 .
Jewish-Palestinian Living Room Dialogue Group (San Mateo, CA)
During Fall 2000 violence, journalists came to the living room seeking new insights and models of communication and relationships.
Watch CNN World View -TV Watch ABC-TV Watch NBC-TV
10-minute video from 2002 nationwide MSNBC-TV news coverage of
the Jewish-Palestinian Living Room Dialogue Group of San Mateo, California.
(Watch Video)
7-minute NPR interview of Sustained Dialogue participants Palestinian Elias Botto and Jewish Robbie Franco
for "Weekend America" broadcast Saturday, 13 November 2004
Streaming Audio
(Web site of the broadcast)
15-minute public radio interview about Sustained Dialogue with Libby and Len Traubman
by telephone for KCBX-FM public radio's "Issues & Ideas," San Luis Obispo, CA, 30 March 2005
Streaming Audio
(Web site of the station)
6-1/2 minute television news interview of Palestinian Melek Nasr-Totah and Jewish Len Traubman
for the morning news broadcast Sunday, 04 December 2005
Streaming Video
13-minute audio interview by Sohini Baliga of Libby and Len Traubman
for Peace X Peace ("peace by peace") Webcast in March, 2007
Streaming Audio
(Web site of the broadcast)
3-minute audio interview 
for "America's Innovators" Talk Radio Show recorded July, 2007
Streaming Audio
18-minute WBAI-FM August, 2008, interview about
the Dialogue's beginnings, Peacemakers Camp, and the new, free videos available to the public.
Streaming Audio
20-minute August, 2008, NPR interview on KUSP-FM about Dialogue, the process of change, and
"Engaging the Other," that evening's public Dialogue event in Santa Cruz, California.
Streaming Audio
5-minute October, 2008, video exploring classical music to enhance living room Dialogue
with Philadelphia Symphony cellist, Udi Bar-David, of Intercultural Journeys.
Streaming Video
11-minute December, 2011, interview on Radio Baladi -- Arab talk show -- Dearborn/Chicago/Windsor, Canada
"A Palestine-Israel-USA Skype Dialogue".
Streaming Audio
Koinonia Southern Africa
During apartheid 1980s, courageous blacks and whites shared meals and stories in public, sometimes at risk to their lives.
They transformed themselves and their relationships, and helped redirect history.
Listen to founder, Rev. Nico Smith, describe their history and the importance of engaging
December 8, 2008 edited 6-minute telephone interview (MP3)
Noa Baum, Storyteller
a woman who has learned to tell both people's narratives -- their stories -- in one breath
interviewed on All For Peace grassroots Palestinian-Israeli radio
Listen to her January 9, 2005 edited 20-minute interview
VIEW 10-minute streaming video from Noa Baum's A LAND TWICE PROMISED
Palestinian-Jewish Family Peacemakers Camp (video & audio)
View 4-minute streaming video -- KPIX-TV Channel 5 news broadcast -- Monday, September 19, 2005
Streaming Video
Hear 22-minute streaming audio -- KPFA-FM pre-Camp interview of staff -- September, 2006
MP3 Audio
San Diego Jewish-Palestinian Dialogue
Streaming Audio
Hear Jews and Palestinians from San Diego, California's seven different Dialogue Groups.
Personal narratives are on pages about: (1) Introduction to Dialogue, (2) Personal Stories, (3)Listening to Each Other, (4) Jerusalem, and (5) Recent Events.
University of California, Berkeley
"Day of Mutual Recognition"
Student introduction
Streaming Video
Berkeley students' statements of recognition and empathy
Streaming Video
The full story of this day in May, 2003 is on the Web at:
http://traubman.igc.org/cal.htm .
Zeitouna: Arab-Jewish Women's Dialogue (Ann Arbor, MI)
4-minute trailer from their new 2007 documentary film, REFUSING TO BE ENEMIES
Palestinian and Jewish women share stories and listen well.
They move out into their community to strongly speak, and
to model a new way of communication and cooperation.
Streaming Video
More Resources
CHALLENGE DAY: School Programs That Build Connections and Inspire (U.S.A.)
15-minute trailer of diverse youth experiencing love through connection, celebration of diversity, truth, and full expression.
See alienated, ethnically diverse students engage, communicate and change.
Select and View "15-minute Teen Files Video"
Other Featured Videos
FREEDOM WRITERS: Hollywood movie about the power of Story to transform people and classrooms (U.S.A.)
YouTube trailers from a motion picture based on real high school students who show how change in relationships, confidence, learning, and community-building happens in real life.
Buy or rent the full movie on DVD.
Streaming Video
SUSTAINED DIALOGUE CAMPUS NETWORK: Ongoing support for university campus Dialogues (U.S.A.)
YouTube trailer about successful Sustained Dialogue on university campuses described by
student-participants and facilitators of the Washington, DC-based Sustained Dialogue Campus Network.
Streaming Video
Jewish-Palestinian Living Room Dialogue Group
1448 Cedarwood Drive, San Mateo, CA 94403
Voice: (650) 574-8303 • Fax:(650) 573-1217
Web: http://traubman.igc.org/