The Middle East Peace Process
After all the wars, bombings, hatred, and mistrust, it
doesn't take a cynic to doubt the prospects of peace between
and Palestinians. Which is why when a group of forty students met
at the University of California, Santa Cruz on March 1 for
"Building Bridges for Peace", a dialogue on the Middle East peace
process, many braced for the worst. The event featured a
six person panel from the San Mateo County Jewish-Palestinian
Living Room Dialogue Group, who were joined by the cofounders of
the group, Len and Libby Traubman.
The couple founded the group in 1992 with the goal of providing
a model of Palestinians and Jews working for mutual
understanding, education, and cooperation. While the focus is on
relationship building rather than politics, the group was
jump-started in part by a joint letter written to 90 eaders in the
Middle East and the United States about the importance of
continuing the peace process. They struggled amongst themselves
over the wording of the letter but in the end they reached a
consensus. The group received a favorable response to their
"The responses to the letter got everyone excited," said Libby
Traubman. "It energized them, and it also helped establish the
group's credibility."
On November 15, 1997, their efforts culminated in "Building a
Common Future," a dinner/conference at the Clarion Hotel in
Millbrae, California with nearly 500 Jews and Palestinians in
attendance. United States Middle East Envoy Dennis Ross was
scheduled to speak; however he was delayed in an emergency
meeting in the Middle East. Ross left a taped message for the
participants praising the concept of dialogue and the group's
efforts, and spoke to the group the next day.
One of the participants in this historic event was Leah Harris,
a student at the University of California, Santa Cruz (UCSC).
Harris was deeply impressed with the spirit of cooperation and
determination among the participants. She spent the 1996-97
academic year in the American University of Cairo in Egypt as a
part of the University of California's Education Abroad Program.
She also traveled extensively in the occupied territories and
Israel, as well as Syria and southern Lebanon. From her
conversations with Middle Easterners she came to the conclusion
that dialogue is crucial if there is to be a lasting peace in the
region. As part of her ongoing efforts to expose UCSC students to
diverse viewpoints on the Middle East, Harris brought Palestinian
peace activist Zoughbi Zoughbi to present a talk entitled
"Sharing Jerusalem: Two Capitals for Two States." Due to the
obvious interest of students who attended that lecture Harris saw
the need for continuing education on Middle East issues at UCSC.
As a result of her experiences in the Middle East, her
interactions with students upon her return to campus, and her
positive assessment of the Millbrae conference, Harris was
inspired to ask her close friend Manal EI-Karra, a Palestinian
student leader at UCSC, to write a joint invitation to the San
Mateo Dialogue Group to facilitate a student dialogue at UCSC.
Harris and EI-Karra envisioned a forum for students to freely
exchange ideas, feelings, experiences, and opinions about the
Middle East Peace Process. In her introduction to the event,
Harris stressed that "the goal of the evening is not the critical
process of debate that we as students are trained to use but
rather to proclaim our own truths and to listen compassionately
and with an open mind to the truths of others." EI-Karra spoke of
her experiences from her family's native Gaza Strip.
The original plan for the event was to have the panel give a
presentation and field questions from students; then the students were to break into small dialogue groups of their own and
report on their experiences. However, the small dialogue groups
were never formed, as a strong feeling of intimacy prevailed in
the room and students felt comfortable to stand up, introduce
themselves, and speak from the heart.
Palestinian panel member Nazih Malak left with a new sense of
optimism. "I felt this event was phenomenal, especially to see
young people working together. I think it is the younger
generation who will make a difference." Israeli Oren Gottesman
agreed. "It moves me very much to see how interested the young
students are, and the concern about the past, present, and future
situation in Israel." Shira Reich presented an American Jewish
perspective. "I think it made me optimistic about
Palestinian/Israeli relations. We have the opportunity to work
together in the United States; maybe we can inspire the people in
the Middle East."
Deena Dorion, a senior at UCSC, said the dialogue helped her to
get a sense of other students' boundaries. "The dialogue was
successful in that it facilitated an environment where Jews and
Arabs could somehow synthesize their goals of peace in Israel.
For me, especially, it functioned as an educational tool; I
learned my own boundaries by hearing other people, Jews and Arabs
alike, discussing their boundaries."
UCSC is not alone in its recent efforts to encourage support
for the peace process through dialogue between Arabs and Jews.
Other California campuses, including Stanford and the University
of California, San Diego (UCSD), have been involved in similar
events. Last November, UCSD Hillel Jewish Campus Service Corps
Fellow Michael Rabkin organized a Yitzhak Rabin memorial,
followed by a dialogue between Muslim and Jewish students. Rabkin
plans to encourage further dialogues at
Representatives from Stanford's Israel Alliance (SIA) and the
Organization of Arab American Students in Stanford (OASIS) have
engaged in a number of cooperative efforts. Recently Palestinian
scholar Fouad Moughrabi gave a lecture at Stanford entitled,
"Living the Peace Process." Israeli political analyst Ehud
Sprinzak and telecaster for Channel 1 in Israel Ehud Ya'ari have
each given speeches at Stanford in recent months. SIA and OASIS
also protested a screening of the movie "G.I. Jane", which both
groups believe to contain offensive and stereotypical portrayals
of Arabs.
When Harris and EI-Karra were planning the dialogue at UCSC,
the support they received was often offset by criticism from
their fellow students, faculty, and community members. Most did
not see the point of dialogue which stresses the slow process of
community relationship building rather than quick and direct
political action. However, the overwhelmingly positive response
of both the student participants and the panel, as well as the
diverse array of viewpoints that were expressed and exchanged,
convinced EI-Karra and Harris that their effort was not in vain.
If you want to promote a similar event on your campus please
contact Len and Libby Traubman at 650-574-8303 or look at their
extensive Web site