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organizations focused on bridge building, cooperation, diversity, conflict resolution
religious and interfaith groups — Muslims, Christians, Jews, others
conferences, teacher trainings, national and international seminars
national organizations (Rotary, Kiwanis, AAUW, ADC, AJC, CAIR)
schools, college & univeristy classrooms, club meetings
social entrepreneurs and funders
camp programs and youth groups
study clubs and book groups
family reunions
retirement clubs

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film festivals
local TV stations and cable networks
government and educational strategists and policy makers

Write about it in:
Internet blogs and Web sites, using links
journals, newsletters, newspapers
letters to friends

Jewish-Palestinian Living Room Dialogue Group
1448 Cedarwood Drive, San Mateo, CA 94403
Voice: (650) 574-8303 -- Fax: (650) 573-1217

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