How-To of Jewish-Palestinian Dialogue
Dialogue vs. Debate
16 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
PHOTOS of Palestinian, Jewish youth meeting (2006)
A Palestinian-Jewish Introductory Evening: Report and outline
ENGAGING THE OTHER: Teacher's Guide (2009)
TEACHER'S GUIDE: Story as entry to Relationship (2007)
Classroom Dialogue: "Story" as entry to relationship transformation (2003)
A Jewish-Palestinian Dialogue Panel for Palo Alto High School Students
A synagogue Friday dinner, Shabbos service, exhibits, and panel presentation
How to communicate with your government representatives in Washington, DC
Jewish-Arab Long Distance Dialogues Begin Using Teleconference Technology
How Palestinians and Israelis can now telephone one another in friendship, at no cost
Toward Understanding the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: Appreciating different narratives
Essays and Editorials
The Skipped Step: Human engagement (by Libby & Len Traubman, Palestine-Israel Journal - 2014) NEW
A LIFE FOR EVERYONE: One person's story of change in Palestinian-Jewish Dialogue
(2006 Univ. of California Commencement Speech, by Lionel Traubman, DDS, MSD)
THE STARTING POINT: The strife in Jerusalem is as old as the city itself. And so is the solution.
(by Lauren Gelfond, Jerusalem)
Making Peace Where Politicians Fear To Tread: Israelis
and Palestinians who defy the extremists
(by Alan Cooperman, U.S.News)
PARTNERS IN PEACE: Jewish-Palestinian group learns to listen to and understand each other
(San Mateo Times, Sept 2001)
PIANO DIPLOMACY: A famed Israeli musician makes an overture for peace. (LIFE Magazine)
Dialogue and Determination in the Living Room -- and Beyond: Appreciating differing narratives
(Common Ground News Service)
How sustained face-to-face engagement closes distances, opens doors (by The Peres Center for Peace)
Jewish-Palestinian Dialogue Group: Listening In the Midst of the Storm
(by Aaron Howard, Jewish Herald-Voice)
MEETING MOHAMMED: Beginning Jewish-Palestinian Dialogue (by Libby and Len Traubman - 2003)
(published by Coalition for the Advancement of Jewish Education and by Arabic Media Internet Network)
DOWNLOAD full document: English: (Word) - (PDF) - Hebrew: (Word) - (PDF)
and shortened version online (in Hebrew) (in English)
Mankind needs to end the wars that have ended so many lives
(by Lionel Traubman - Memorial Day 1987)
Israelis and Palestinians Preparing for a Common Future (by Rafael Silver, Galillee College, Israel)
Defusing the intifada in Bay Area living room groups
(Jewish Bulletin of No. California)
LISTENING: An underestimated tool for peace.
(The Norwegian Mission to Israel, Oslo)
Forums ease tension between clashing students
(Associated Press)
Where Jews & Palestinians seek understanding (by Doris Bittar, San Diego)
Jews and Palestinians Begin to Talk, In America
(by Martin Davis, The National Journal)
High school Diversity Day promotes dialogue (Contra Costa Times)
Seeking understanding... one dinner at a time
(by Janet Saidi, The Christian Science Monitor)
Palestinians and Jews: Living beyond fear
(by Lionel Traubman, Middle East Times - June, 2009)
Palestinians, Jews engaging and creating (by Libby & Len Traubman, CNN's AC360)
Palestinians, Jews can unlearn old habits (by Nahida Salem and Lionel Traubman)
Understanding One Another in Israel (by Ron Kronish, Jerusalem)
A Missing Step in the Peace Process (from The Times, Trenton, New Jersey
Listen to Palestinians, to everyone (Niki Landau's Rosh Hashana sermon)
How One Woman's Life Changed (by Heena Reiter, Charlottesville, VA)
A Jewish Path to the Peace Camp (by Janina Frankel, Tel-Aviv)
Making peace in the living room (by Alexandra Wall, Jewish Bulletin of No. California)
Pre-deciding About Violence (by Elizabeth and Lionel Traubman, Pace e Bene)
The Other Peace Process (from The Jerusalem Post)
Compassionate Listening (from YES! A Journal of Positive Futures)
On Passover And Peace (a call to dialogue)
The Magic of Dialogue (by Daniel Yankelovich)
Dialogues over dinner (by Dr. Judy Kuriansky, The New York Daily News)
A Weekend In Gaza (by Hava Kretzmer, Israeli university student)
Peace is Intercourse (by Libby & Len Traubman, Peace is Sexy) (PDF)
The Art of Dialogue (from M.I.T.)
The Art of Listening (by Brenda Ueland)
Listening saves lives (by Adrienne Dessel, clinical social worker)
Listen to Terrorists (by Elizabeth and Lionel Traubman, The Hartford Courant)
Unidos Por La Paz (Al Damir Magazine, Santiago,
Resist Not Evil (Published in World Without Violence)
Face to face (by Libby & Len Traubman, The Jordan Times)
Framework For A Public Peace Process: Steps Toward a Peaceful Israeli-Palestinian Relationship
The 1991 landmark document conceived in dialogue and signed by prominent Israelis and Palestinians, and a
ranking member of the Palestine National Council.
The Oslo Accords, Annex VI: The "forgotten part" of the Interim Agreement
The Oslo Accords were inadequate to meet the needs of both peoples for a just, sustained peace. They were not
a failure, but a step in an ongoing process that reveals more insights. Since the September 28, 1995 signing,
almost unnoticed was the genius of the framers in creating Annex VI: Protocol Concerning Israeli-Palestinian
Cooperation Programs. In their wisdom, they clarified that the genuine peace process cannot go to completion
without a parallel "public peace process" of face-to-face citizen meetings, dialogue, and shared projects
involving Palestinian and Jewish individuals and institutions. This changes the nature of the relationships
and prepares a new culture in which the government process can succeed.
University Theses
Creating Dialogue for Reconciliation and Healing
by Yuichi Ohta, International Christian University, Tokyo, 2003
The Role of NGOs in Transforming Relations Between
Israelis and Palestinians
by Louis-Alexandre Berg, Brown University, 2000
CONVERSATIONS FOR PEACE: An Oral History of the Path to Palestinian and Jewish Reconciliation
in Two California Communities
by Alison Helise Rubalcava, California State Univ-Fullerton, 2001
SHIFT HAPPENS: Transformation During Small Group Interventions in Protracted Social Conflicts
by Nike Carstarphen, George Mason University, 2003
Peace Tourism
Contemporary tours and their guides help travelers experience the places and people with their personal, sometimes-conflicting narratives.
These inclusive experiences can expand the visitor's view and increase empathy and listening skills that dignify one another.
Tour for Change
Mejdi Tours
I.L.L.I. Initiatives
History Textbook Innovation
PRIME's 2003 leading-edge textbook in Arabic and Hebrew that helps Israeli and Palestinian history students learn one
another's narratives.
PRIME's Sharing the History Project: Palestinian and Israeli teachers and pupils learning each other's narrative
This 2003 paper describes a process of five workshops in which Palestinian and Jewish-Israeli teachers developed a joint
textbook that includes two narratives (an Israeli and a Palestinian) in regard to three important historical dates in their
mutual conflict: The Balfour Declaration, the 1948 war and the first Intifada. The process, described chronologically,
helped the teachers realize that they must develop narratives more inclusive and sensitive to each other, more
interdependent though still separate. (Prof. Sami Adwan and Prof. Dan Bar-On, with Peace Research Institute in
the Middle East (PRIME)
BOOKLET I (Balfour Declaration -- 1948 War -- 1987 First Palestinian Intifada)
English, Arabic, and Hebrew versions -- Available in print from PRIME
Download English version PDF -- 56 pages -- 576 kb
BOOKLET II (1920s -- 1930s -- 1967 War)
English, Arabic, and Hebrew versions -- Available in print from PRIME
BOOKLET III (1950s -- 1970s -- 1990s)
Arabic and Hebrew versions only -- Available in print from PRIME
BOOKLET COVERS, in color (English, Arabic, Hebrew, Italian, French)
Download PDF (344 kb)
Resources in Print
THE PUBLIC PEACE PROCESS: Charts about Change & Dialogue Communication
Table-top graphics and text about steps in the citizen-driven process of change.
Download 30 pages at
In English, Russian, French, Arabic, and Hebrew
Download at
Graphics and written guidelines in French
Download at
A 9-page teacher's resource with guidlelines and photos to give student's a 1-1/2 hour experience of quality Dialogue communication.
It is a companion resource to the 43-minute documentary, DIALOGUE AT WASHINGTON HIGH.
Download at
A 2-page facilitator's outline to give student's a 55-minute experience of quality Dialogue communication through personal stories.
Download at
A 27-page collection of ten best-practices for in-depth engagement from various summer programs for the Middle East public peace process.
Download at
A 9-page brochure of (1) graphics, (2) concise explanations, and (3) inspiration about the process of social change that begins with
individuals in Sustained Dialogue and leads to national and finally political change.
DIALOGUE: Principles, Guidelines and Answers
An 11-page how-to brochure of principles, rationale, guidelines, and answers to often-asked questions about Sustained Dialogue.
Download at
SUMMARY REPORT from An Assimilation Weekend: North American camps for the Middle East public peace process
The first-of-its-kind 71-page illustrated booklet is an insider's view of the first January 2005 gathering of 26 leaders of camps
that help Palestinian and Jewish youth move from "enemies" to friends, even partners in education. Diligently recorded, this
document reveals a wealth of human experience, concrete methods and inspiration to improve camps and energize relationship-building
activities everywhere.
The June, 2005 document is freely available to view, download, and print at
Evening Program and Reconciliation Resource
The 24-page illustrated booklet outlining the November, 1997 San Francisco dinner for 420 Jewish and Palestinian Americans.
Includes guidelines for dialogue and conflict resolution, ancient wisdoms, contemporary quotes, and articles about
successful Jewish-Palestinian relationship-building projects. For educational use, from grassroots to government. Mailed free of charge.
Download at
BEYOND BULLETS & BOMBS: Grassroots Peacebuilding between Israelis and Palestinians
This is the definitive, most comprehensive-yet book describing diverse initiatives and people in the citizen-to-citizen Middle East
public peace process.
It is a rich resource for on-the-ground, relationship-building activists as well as students and educators.
In the midst of ongoing Israeli-Palestinian conflict, civil war, and political discord, courageous civilians from both sides are working
together build new human connections and understanding of the "other" that leads to creative, grassroots people-to-people projects
and change.
Face-to-face, shoulder-to-shoulder they are developing educational programs and creating activities to bridge their differences.
BEYOND BULLETS & BOMBS showcases impressive and important projects that deserve more support and world attention, and
without which governments alone cannot succeed.
This publishing treasure has generous graphics, tables, extensive contemporary references, quotes, and inspiration in 40 captivating chapters.
Experts tell intriguing personal stories interwoven with psycho-social models and successful organizing principles of change -- inspiring
and instructing how people living in hostile cultures can establish sustainable peace.
Based in real, successful lives of Jews, Palestinians and dedicated others, it fastens into literature and academia the living principles that
succeed in everyday communication and life on Earth.
Judy Kuriansky, Praeger Publishers, August 2007, 408 pages
HOLY LAND MOSAIC: Stories of Cooperation and Coexistence Between Israelis and Palestinians
The unrelenting conflict between Jews and Arabs in the Middle East is reported daily, but the ongoing dialogue and cooperation between
the two is not. Holy Land Mosaic chronicles the less-reported side of the Middle East scene: the ongoing projects of conciliation and
coexistence between Israelis and Palestinians, and between Arabs and Jews in Israel. Remarkable Jews and Arabs are depicted on a personal
journey through the different movements, projects, and nongovernmental organizations that promote communication and cooperation
between two fine but distanced peoples. The author's narrative shows that the enmity is not endemic. The current atmosphere is far from
one of harmony and tranquility, but it can be different.
Gavron Daniel, Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc., December 2007, 205pp
CONFLICT ACROSS CULTURES: A Unique Experience of Bridging Differences
This useful book reveals how conflicts begin and spread through cultures, with examples of how people can converge and heal
relationships. The reader learns why achieving cultural understanding and fluency will enable people to resolve intercultural conflict,
and what skills one must develop to resolve cross-cultural
Michelle Lebaron and Venashri Pillay, Boston, Intercultural Press, 2006, 224
POLITICS IS ABOUT RELATIONSHIP: A Blueprint for the Citizens' Century
Exploring core problems facing humanity, Saunders clarifies the eye-opening imperative in this Citizens' Century when successful
change requires the energies, capacities and creativity of citizens outside governments to engage each other and cooperate in parallel
with governments, within and between countries. This book is a major contribution to understanding the state of the world and
the requirements for successful democracy.
Harold H. Saunders, New York, Palgrave Macmillan, Dec 2005, 256 pages
A PUBLIC PEACE PROCESS: Sustained Dialogue to Transform Racial and Ethnic Conflicts
This 1999 book lifts the citizen-based public peace process to its place in the world. Dr. Harold Saunders, former Assistant
Secretary of State, and negotiator of the Camp David Accords, explains how ordinary citizens can and do help overcome
deep-rooted obstacles to peace and make genuine contributions to a process that often cannot be concluded by governments
alone. 352 pages. St. Martin's Press
TERROR IN THE HOLY LAND: Inside the Anguish of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
Judy Kuriansky invites diverse authors to better understand human lives and social science, and to appreciate the constant, deeply
personal psychological trauma to women, men and children living with daily stress. It helps to understand the humiliation, revenge,
and fear of losing identity, homeland and life that is endured daily and fuels the cycle of fruitless violence that defies common sense.
Edited by Judy Kuriansky, Praeger Publishers, Oct 2006, 296 pages, tables
Israel: The Revised Edition
This New York Times article introduces two 1999 books by "new historians" in Israel, Benny Morris and Avi Shlaim. In
view of recent research into newly available government archives, the article reviews some revised understandings about
the region's history, especially in relationship to the land, Israeli-Palestinian relations, and the peace process.
Building A Common Future: The Public Peace Process In Action
An inspiring 180-page comprehensive, illustrated chronicle of two long-term reconciliation projects with
(1) Armenians and Azerbaijanis, and (2) Israelis and Palestinians.
Palestinian and Jewish Recipes for Peace
A 100-page, illustrated treasure of the best of recipes for the table, and for beginning and sustaining a Dialogue. Published for
the public by the successful Jewish-Palestinian Living Room Dialogue Group of San Mateo County, California upon celebrating
12 years of sustained relationship building and community outreach.
Recipes for Peace
In Arabic, Hebrew, and English, this colorfully illustrated cookbook of "recipes from the heart" resulted from many face-to-face
on the border between Israeli and the West Bank. This Palestinian-Israeli partnerships is one of many co-created projects of the
Middle East Program of the Center for Emerging Futures.
Novels and Narrataives for Youth and Others About Palestinian-Jewish Relationship Building
One City, Two Brothers (a novel for age 6 and up)
This timely folktale of how Jerusalem came to be is about mutual understanding and kind acts toward one another -- a spirit that
predates the city itself and which is our destiny to bring to life in our time. The story has been heard in synagogues, mosques
and churches across Near East and beyond for hundreds of years. In this gorgeously illustrated book, storyteller Chris Smith
shows how two brothers find peace by seeing themselves in each other.
No One Can Ever Steal Your Rainbow (an illustrated book for age 4 and up)
Brilliant, multicolored illustrations make alive this book of hope and optimism
for all ages. In English and more recently translated
into Hebrew and Arabic, each of two, award-winning versions comes with a lyric sheet and CD of the entire story set to music.
Proceeds of book sales benefit Neve Shalom~Wahat al-Salam, a community in the Holy Land where Jewish and Palestinian families
have lived, learned, and worked together as equals for more then twenty years.
The Enemy Has a Face (a novel for age 12 and up)
In this thoughtful and suspenseful 2003 book for youth, Glorid Miklowitz explores issues of Middle Eastern relationships
through the eyes of young people on both sides of the age-old conflict. The surprising conclusion to the novel will leave
readers with a renewed understanding of other people's needs, fears, and beliefs. 139 pages. Eerdmans Books for
Young Readers.
Selected one of 76 "Great Books for Children and Young Adults" by the Independent Book Sellers in 2003.
"This is a great book. . .two people who may have prejudices, may even hate, have suspicion, are able to bridge
that gap. . .An Israeli reading this, a Palestinian reading this, an Arab reading this -- you're very fair and balanced.
Her books make you think, make you reflect and maybe bring you together. . . " -- John Rothmann, KGO-Radio
"Miklowitz, an experienced writer of young adult novels, knows how to tell this suspenseful story well. She
manages to convey the political issues separating Israelis and Palestinians without lecturing - this information
unfolds naturally as the story is told. She succeeds in conveying the depth of passion felt on both sides of
the issues and at the end manages an ironic twist to the plot line. Young adults will definitely like this
well-written mystery." -- KLIATT Review
"I highly recommend this book for teens trying to understand the issues in the Middle East from the perspective
of young people their own age who have lived there. This is an ideal selection for a Parent-Child Book Group or a
classroom reading circle, because the issues it presents will spark discussions as timely as today's headlines."
-- Kathy Bloomfield,
"Almost unbearably suspenseful, the plot will keep readers turning pages as fast as they can. Nicely interspersed
with the events is a thoughtful examination of some of the reasons behind the age-old strife between Palestinians and
Israelis. Readers come away with a greater understanding of the conflict and Netta is given the opportunity to modify
her attitude about her former enemies." --School Library Journal
Snow in Jerusalem (a novel for ages 6-10)
This optimistic story is the first children's book by author Deborah da Costa. Its messages is of tolerance, compromise, and
peace. Two boys -- one from the Jerusalem's Jewish Quarter, the other from the Muslim section of the walled city -- reconsider
their own boundaries, expand their identification, and find a solution together.
We Just Want to Live Here: A Palestinian teenager, an Israeli teenager -- an unlikely friendship (for teens and older)
Palestinian Amal Rifa'i and Israeli Odelia Ainbinder are two teenage girls who live in the same city, yet worlds apart. They first met on
summer 2000 student exchange program to Switzerland. Weeks after they returned, the new, violent Intifada broke out September 29, 2000.
They lost contact. But two years later, Middle East correspondent Sylke Tempel encouraged the young women to develop their
friendship. Amal and Odelia exchanged their deepest feelings through letters from August to November, 2002. In their letters, they
discuss the Intifada, their families, traditions, suicide bombers, and military service. They write frankly of their anger, frustrations, and
fear, but also of their hopes and dreams for a brighter future. Together, Amal and Odelia give us a renewed sense of hope for peace in
the Middle East.
Online Streaming Audio and Video
Hear and view online narratives of Palestinian women and men in Dialogue groups
Video and Audio Resources
CROSSING THE LINES: Palestinians and Israelis Speak with the Compassionate Listening Project
Coexistence Through the Eyes of Palestinian and Israeli Teens
o PROMISES (the best film of all)
AL NAKBA: The Palestinian Catastrophe 1948 o CHILDREN OF ABRAHAM o GIVE PEACE A CHANCE
TALKING PEACE o WEST BANK STORY o PEACEMAKERS: Palestinians & Jews Together at Camp
Spring, 2002: Jewish-Palestinian Dialogue on MSNBC National News -- This 10-minute videocassette in VHS or PAL
format encourages new Palestinian-Jewish Dialogue. The coverage of the Jewish-Palestinian Living Room Dialogue
in California illustrates the people, attitude, principles, atmosphere, sustained dedication, social outcomes, and hope.
(FREE OF CHARGE. Request by e-mail below.)
Radio and Television Stations
Radio All For Peace
In 2004, this first Palestinian-Israeli Internet Radio Project of Givat Haviva and Biladi began broadcasting to the world in
Arabic and Hebrew all day, every day on 107.2 FM and at .
Radio Salaam Shalom ~ "Muslims and Jews talking together"
February, 2007, inspiring Jewish-Muslim cooperative programming began broadcasting globally from this grassroots "first"
in England, online, 24 hours a day, at . (SEE them in streaming video.)
Radio RAM-FM ~ "Living in HARMONY" (No longer on air)
March, 2007, fresh, English language broadcasts began on the Internet and 93.6 FM from studios in Ramallah and Jerusalem.
Balanced news teams in both Israel and Palestine will accompany programs to promote peace and dialogue through
music, high-profile guest interviews, talk shows and educational presentations at
Camp Experiences in North America
Artistic and Exhibit Resources
Enemies (26 MB)
In 1998, United Colors of Benetton and Newsweek bravely published a "fashion magazine" -- portraits of Jews and
Palestinians living side by side in harmony.
In 84 full-color pages were success stories of Muslims, Christians, and Jews living, communicating, and working together.
In Tel Aviv, Hebron, and Jerusalem, through daily contact these citizens overcame the barriers of fear, hatred, and
racial and religious differences.
The Middle East Peace Quilt
This inspiring creativity of 300 Jews, Palestinians, and others depicts their visions of Middle East peace and a shared future
in 29 quilted panels, each about three feet square. The Quilt is available to travel to exhibits.
Kids With Cameras - Jerusalem
Cameras and photograph instruction are provided to 12 Jewish and Palestinian boys and girls around Jerusalem to empower
and give them photographic "voices." Together they make a shared portrait of Jerusalem - both cultural beauty and strife - from
their parallel but diverse life experiences, giving the youth a window into each other's lives - both strife and cultural beauty.
Their photos have become a travelling exhibition.
Opening of the Heart in the Middle East
This traveling 29-panel exhibition of the exquisite photography of Beverly Duperly Boos provides an educational platform
for Israeli-Palestinian dialogue. The photos of women, men, and youth -- with their narratives and quotes -- helps discover
the human beings behind our stereotypes, in the spirit of Compassionate Listening as a universal, experintial learning tool
for responding to conflict, and bridging the mind to the heart.
Links to Other Dialogue and Reconciliation Endeavors
All For Peace Internet Radio
This historic Palestinian-Israeli Internet radio station was begun in Spring 2004 as a citizen-initiated Givat Haviva-Biladi
Radio Project, with co-directors Shimon Malka ( and Maysa Baransi-Siniora (
Programming is in Arabic, Hebrew, and English.
Arava Institute for Environmental Studies
This exemplary work brings together young adult Palestinians, Arab and Jewish Israelis, and Jordanians to live together for
a year in Kibbutz Ketura near the Jordanian and Egyptian borders, to better understand and cooperate with the precious
living system and one another in sustained relationships. Their Web site is in Hebrew, Arabic, and English.
Robert Rosenberg's inspired peace site, was the pioneer one of its kind in Israel.
Robert's death 25 October 2006 was a great loss to the public peace process and humankind.
Bat Shalom
Israeli and Palestinian women cooperating for a real peace between two peoples.
Building Bridges for Peace: A project of Seeking Common Ground
For five years Israeli and Palestinian teenage girls have been brought together with each other and with Arab, Jewish,
and other ethnic Americans at a summer camp in Colorado. They return home to continue with regular meetings in
Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, and Denver.
The Dialogue Project
Beginning in 2001 in Brooklyn, successful new Dialogue groups now include Queens and Manhattan continue to be birthed.
Neve Shalom/Wahat al-Salam: Oasis of Peace
A model Israeli village shared by Jews and Palestinians of Israeli citizenship. (10-min. video)
Oz Veshalom-Netivot Shalom
An alternative Israeli expression of Zionism committed to promote the ideals of tolerance, pluralism,
and justice which have always been central to Jewish tradition and law.
Additional important Jewish-Palestinian reconciliation links